Suggestions for biotin users with breakouts


New Member

I just joined and I haven't even made my introduction yet, but I bought some biotin b4 reading about the adverse reactions (PIMPLES).

I've was reading about saunas a couple weeks ago about how saunas cleans the skin of toxins via sweat. So maybe some facial saunas will help while on biotin.

I already have a facial sauna so I'll be sure to use it from the get go.

Hope it helps....just a suggestion
Give it some time. It actually took about a month for my skin to calm down after I started taking a multi with a lot of biotin in it. Also lots and lots and LOTS of water. And try tea tree oil blemish stick/roll on on the ones that really hurt.
My biotin review in my drugstore fotki has a topical alternative method for getting some of the benefits of biotin without the breakouts.