Suggestions for a natural protein based daily moisturizer


Active Member
Hello lovely Ladies!!!

I need your suggestions....

My 4a/b hair permed ends are badly damaged, breaking and over processed. QB BRBC is a GREAT all natural water based moisturizer that I use every other night and love however bc I have porous hair I feel like I should use a protein based moisturizer at-least twice a week to balance it out.

Are there any NATURAL protein daily moisturizers out there?

Is my thinking right or am I trying to do too much? Somebody help your girl out :lachen:
Thanks for the replies ladies!

@ BettleBug - I've tried Giovanni's Direct Leave-in and it gave me protein overload (which was kinda scary) but I am heavy handed and have been thinking about giving it another try.

@ Ms BHF - I've never heard of but I will be on it tonight.

@ Irie Chic - Now I just heard about hydrathermal naturals just this weekend on Youtube. I think I'll give it a closer look tonight.

Thank you sooooo much all!
(But keep em coming.... LOL)
Sometimes if they're that bad we have no choice but to cut. I babied my damaged ends for 3 months before cutting them off and haven't looked back. Once they get so damaged, they don't respond to products.
Sometimes if they're that bad we have no choice but to cut. I babied my damaged ends for 3 months before cutting them off and haven't looked back. Once they get so damaged, they don't respond to products.

I hear ya! I plan on cutting an inch or so every six weeks but I'm not ready to BC. I've BC'd twice in life (both times not of my free will) and I know short hair isn't me.

I checked out your fotki, your bun is really CUTE! Lately, I've been toying w/ the idea of a phony pony now that bun is on the list of things to try.
if giovanni direct gave you protein overload, & it's considered a very light protein, then you may not want a protein leave-in, my dear!

are you SURE it was protein overload?

also, if your hair is damaged & overprocessed, then it probably wasn't overloaded with protein. protein is the #1 thing your hair needs right now :yep:

i don't know about natural, but Sally's beauty supply carries a line of products that are knockoffs of the Pureology line, called Coloresse. the line is great, & I swear by their Damage Rescue Leave-in conditioner. It has wheat protein, and really helped out my super-fine strands back when i used it on a regular basis.
if giovanni direct gave you protein overload, & it's considered a very light protein, then you may not want a protein leave-in, my dear!

are you SURE it was protein overload?

also, if your hair is damaged & overprocessed, then it probably wasn't overloaded with protein. protein is the #1 thing your hair needs right now :yep:

i don't know about natural, but Sally's beauty supply carries a line of products that are knockoffs of the Pureology line, called Coloresse. the line is great, & I swear by their Damage Rescue Leave-in conditioner. It has wheat protein, and really helped out my super-fine strands back when i used it on a regular basis.

Hi Poookie!

Well.... to give a little background, I'm a salon girl.... every two weeks, I'm in the salon for a wash and press.

But for a month you girl got some balls and tried washing my hair at home NOT COOL! Of course this was the first month finding LHCF and thought I knew everything after reading some threads for a couple of weeks. You know, babies trying to walk before they can crawl lol

I tried giovanni direct and got protein over load, I tired AO HSR and got moisture overload. Seriously! I went from extremely hard brittle hair to gummy hair in a weeks time. Being the punk that I am I ran right back to the salon :ohwell:

I get a reconstructor once a month using Affrim 5 n 1 recon and Eluence Moisture Balancing con to follow up with and my hair seems to be doing well. My second visit in the month is just moisture and I have breakage alot faster that time around.

What I want would like (if it makes sense) to do to aid my hair in btwn my once a month hard core protein treat is a daily creamy/butter protein moisturizer that I can use in my nightly regimen. I’m looking for something like Elasta QP mango butter, Cantu shea butter or Profectiv Breakfree but a product that’s more natural w/ less cones. Something like QB BRBC w/ protein.

Does that exist? :perplexed
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Hi Poookie!

Well.... to give a little background, I'm a salon girl.... every two weeks, I'm in the salon for a wash and press.

But for a month you girl got some balls and tried washing my hair at home NOT COOL! Of course this was the first month finding LHCF and thought I knew everything after reading some threads for a couple of weeks. You know, babies trying to walk before they can crawl lol

I tried giovanni direct and got protein over load, I tired AO HSR and got moisture overload. Seriously! I went from extremely hard brittle hair to gummy hair in a weeks time. Being the punk that I am I ran right back to the salon :ohwell:

I get a reconstructor once a month using Affrim 5 n 1 recon and Eluence Moisture Balancing con to follow up with and my hair seems to be doing well. My second visit in the month is just moisture and I have breakage alot faster that time around.

What I want would like (if it makes sense) to do to aid my hair in btwn my once a month hard core protein treat is a daily creamy/butter protein moisturizer that I can use in my nightly regimen. I’m looking for something like Elasta QP mango butter, Cantu shea butter or Profectiv Breakfree but a product that’s more natural w/ less cones. Something like QB BRBC w/ protein.

Does that exist? :perplexed

The bold stood out to me. It sounds like you may be one of the people who needs some type of protein at every wash...especially since you're using heat at every wash and protein is the key to strong hair with heat usage.

You may want to ask your stylist at the second visit to use something that is a light-med protein conditioner. I think that would go much further than just a protein leave in. Examples I'm thinking of are Aphogee 2 min...or neutral protein filler sprayed on your hair before the moisture dc is added. Of course those aren't "natural".

The only natural protein treatment I can think of right now is the Komaza Care protein strengthener (check their website) and I'm thinking that one is more of a med-hard treatment (because of the keratin)...but it may not be too much for your hair.

I don't know of a natural protein leave in but you've gotten some good suggestions so far. A lot of people seem to like the hydrathermal natural products. Here's a list of the different proteins and what they do and they may help you figure out which would be best for you. Some proteins are moisturizing, which is good, but I suspect you need something to help with strengthening your hair so you'll want to make sure you get a product that has a strengthening protein in it.
All proteins are strengthening proteins to some degree but here are the more specific characteristics of these proteins:

Collagen Protein--known for increasing elasticity in the hair

Silk Protein--known for softening the hair

Wheat Protein--a moisturizing and strengthening protein. known for increasing the hair's ability to maintain & receive moisture also.

Keratin Protein--responsible for keeping the hair strong and pliable. This is the strongest of the(hair product) proteins and is actually the one that hair is made from. This one re-structures hair that has been damaged or broken down by chemicals. It helps to replace the amino acid cysteine which is the main one lost during chemical processing. This is the heavy duty protein. If you see the following as an ingredient

*Vegetable protein -- Vegetable protein absorbs more easily into the hair shaft [than animal protein] and does not create build-up, leaves the hair very shiny, radiant, luxuriant, and healthy.

*Animal protein -- Animal protein breaks down into fatty acids, which coat the hair and create residual build-up.

Silk Amino Acids/Protein--Natural silk is the strongest, natural fiber known to mankind. Discovered in Japan and has been used for centuries in all kinds of products that require durability. Silk has a tiny molecule that can penetrate the entire hair shaft deeper than all other proteins without adding any weight leaving the hair feeling clean and non-greasy

Keratin protein More Indept:

*a) Keratin protein--this will re-structure and strengthen the hair cuticle (the outer layer only & the most important layer)

The keratin in some reconstructors should not leave your hair hard like the Aphogee Treatment for damaged hair (which contains hydrolyzed animal protein). This treatment hardens on your hair for a reason and is used with mild heat. A moisturizing conditioner is a must with this in order to soften like Keracare's humecto.

Reconstructors that contain keratin and other proteins are supposed to have enough moisture to soften the hair therefore leaving your hair with a nice protein/moisture balance."

* Hydrolyzed Keratin Protein or Keratin Amino Acids--this means that the Keratin molecules have been broken down and are small enough to go beyond the cuticle and penetrate the hair shaft. It will strengthen all 3 layers of the hair. That is why the term "deep conditioning" technically only refers to this kind of treatment using penetrating proteins.

*c) Hydrolyzed Human Hair Keratin--This is an exact match for the keratin your hair has (or has lot due to chemical processing). This is the highest quality and most potent keratin that can be used in hair products.

Wow, thats a tall order hun, when I noticed my hair was mushy and over moisturized back when I was PSing in pixie braids I immediately switched to spraying my hair daily with infusium 23 (light protien that smells yummy) and sealing with a pure oil, my faves were coconut and EVOO or BB growth oil. I can't really think of a natural daily protein based moisturizer you could use:perplexed the above suggestions sound great.

But in terms of natural protien DC's you can try incorporating whole eggs and avocados....using Affirm's 5 in 1 reconstructer sounds awesome and I'm sooooo glad you reminded me of that product! I need a simpler strengthener then Aphogee 2-step...I'm too lazy for that:ohwell:lmao:lol:

Also, please cut down on the salon visits sweety:nono:.....thats not helping the situation much....I know its tough right now but do your best to learn your hair because you'll be the best stylist possible for you:yep:

I would say check out Traycee's YouTube channel or sites for some, the first thread that seriously stumped me:blush:
try fekkai protein rx line. i mean everything in that line. its expensive but sooo worth it. or l'occitane aromachologie line for dry damaged hair.
Well I use leave-ins with Silk Amino Acids/Peptides, which is a light moisturizing protein. I love Shescentit's Coconut Cream Leave-In.

Otherwise other then leave-ins with just silk proteins, I don't use any other kinds of proteins in my leave-ins. I use protein with reconstructors and henna which kinda acts like a protein.
Hmm, that one is difficult. Especially is Giovanni Direct was a bit much for your hair.

Yes to Cucumbers leave-in is strengthening, though it doesn't have a strong protein in it. I've reviewed it in detail on my blog, here.
giovanni direct is one of the best leave ins. i really love it and it has protein in it. i have others that i love but they are all moisture.
what you could do is start using a lot of coconut oil, mix it in you conditioners, leave in and seal with it.
UBH moisturizer and hydrathermal naturals has a daily protein leave in

My understanding is that the UBH moisturizer is not protein-based but moisture-based, as the first ingredient is water and it is to be used after a protein treatment (although the UBH conditioner is indeed protein based).
I agree with Msa. It sounds like you may benefit from weekly protein treatments.

Leave-ins & moisturizers help w/ surface conditioning & moisturizing. It sounds like you need something that will go beneath the surface to strenghten your hair.

BlackMasterPiece gave some good suggestions for natural protein treatments. I alternate between Aphogee 2-min. & Aubrey's GPB. (I use Aphogee 2-min. more b/c it has more of a "strengthening" effect on my hair, especially when used w/ high heat.)
THANKS FOR ALL THE RESPONSES LADIES!!!!! I really appreciate it!

hmmm..... where do I start

@ MSA - I agree w/ you. I asked my stylist for a protein treat on every wash but she adv against it saying it's too much protein. I figured I'd take matter in my own hands by applying a light protein daily moisturizer to still feed my hair what it needs.
And thanks for the list of proteins, saw it once during my surfing, saved it and lost it. LOL :perplexed

@ BMP - I would LOVE to be my stylist from wash to out the door and that's my goal for 2010. I'm thinking about wings, half wigs and phony pony's until I get the hang of it.
I LOVE Traycee's blog. Thinking back on it, reading her blog might have been how I found out abt LHCF. :grin:

@ Chebaby - That's a good idea.... making my own since I can't find exactly what I'm looking for. (Remember I'm still a baby in the game so somethings are just dawning on me. LOL:look: :lachen:) You know, I really like that idea, thanks! :think: