Suggestion - Hair FAQ for the board


New Member

I was wondering if we could get a Hair FAQ for the board. I noticed that there are lots of abbreviations and things that people use on this board for hair techniques and products but there is no easy way to reference all of them.

It would be great for newbies like me if there was a Hair FAQ page where abbreviated terms like


cw (I can't find the thread that had this abbreviation)

MTG (i did find the answer to this one)

can be found without having to create a whole new post to ask the question.

If there is already something like this, please forgive me, I'm new here and I haven't found it yet!

Thanks ladies!
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there is one that is sticky in the hair care discussion forum :D most of the abbreviations are there but there are a few that pop up now and then that you might not see on there.