Suggested products for Bantu knots?!?!?!?!?


New Member
Products and recommendations are welcome!

What do you think about these????????? Tell me what you recommend? It's ok if it's not listed, these just popped up in my head.
.......Product mixtures I was thinking of using:
A.) foaming wrap lotion
B.)diluted setting lotion
C.)using a leave-in and wrap lotion
D.) leave-in and diluted setting lotion
E.) leave-in, wrap lotion, serum
F.) leave-in, diluted setting lotion, serum
I'm far from a bantu knot expert, but I've done bantu knot outs a few times and I love the way they turn out. My only problem is hold - they tend to fall after a few hours, but part of that could be my hair texture and the NC/SC humdity.

Anyway, this is what I use on dry hair:
1) NTM Silk Touch Anti-Frizz
2) IC Fantasia Gel w/Sparkalites
3) Oil or Shea butter to seal the ends
4) Diluted Kera-Care Foam Wrapping Lotion

I section my hair, smooth the NTM on each section, add a dab of gel to each section (and also to smooth my hairline), seal the end, twist and coil into place. Spray w/the diluted setting lotion once all knots are complete. I just started adding the gel for extra hold. I went to my niece's graduation a few weeks ago and used the gel, and my knot out lasted for most of the day despite all of the humidity. Last night I drenched my hair in Hawaiian Silky 14-1 (LOVE THIS STUFF!), added gel, knotted, and sprayed with setting lotion. If that works I'll let you know!
It's been a while since I've done them, but usually I just use water and an oil before setting. I part my hair in 4 sections and comb out each section before applying products. I twist with a little tension, pin and then spray (with water) afterward.

Each time they've turned out nicely.
Haha, Im doing a BKO right now! I suggest using NTM leave in and an oil of your choice. Its important to really moisturize to the roots and ends because BKOs can get dry. I use Doo Gro Mega Thick Oil. HTH :)
Bantu knot outs have been my staple style for my transition. I usually section my hair in four parts and spray each section with a 1/4 cheap conditioner 3/4 water mixture. The curls last two days without redoing and on the third day, I just put my hair in a high ponytail with a handband until wash day.
I'll be getting bantu knots next braid visit, second set of twists done yesterday. I told the braider how my first set of twists began to fuzz after a week of water and leave in spritzing, a walk in heavy rain so this time she used my usual ORS Lock/Twist get, some IC Serum then had me sit under the dryer for a while. Today my twists are still perfect, holding well after spritzing with moisture and wind blowing on a 100 mile drive. I think a bit of gel and a dryer set may be an answer.
Bantu knot outs have been my staple style for my transition. I usually section my hair in four parts and spray each section with a 1/4 cheap conditioner 3/4 water mixture. The curls last two days without redoing and on the third day, I just put my hair in a high ponytail with a handband until wash day.

My bantu knots really frizzed today and that was before I got outside in the rain. :ohwell:

I'm going to try this cheap conditioner mixture and water. I also bought some ORS twist and loc gel. How much of this product should I use? Just a dab on the entire section, or some for each knot?

Thanks for any help.
Oh crap
I used the shampoo and not the conditioner. :( Sux to be me.

I was just writing to say I tried to redo my bantu knots this evening with a bottle of half water/half conditioner... BUT the conditioner mix felt awfully squishy (you know like soap?)

So as I writing I figured out that I DID accidently use the shampoo and not the conditioner. (Bought some Suave last night so they were both in the kitchen.)

Anyone have any suggestions? I already have the bantu knots in. I guess I can wash it out in the morning???
Luckily I don't have to go to work in the morning!
Can they be done on freshly washed hair?
if we have a similar hair type, i wouldn't advise it. shrinkage is like whoooaaaa....and the curls NEVER DROP.
i'd let it airdry just a little bit-perhaps in big braids or banded sections.

then i'd just use a little bit of a leave-in, and maybe a drop of oil on your ends to seal.