"Suenos" Hair Products smell soooo good...


\"Suenos\" Hair Products smell soooo good...

This is a new line of haircare products geared toward latina women. I think "suenos" means "dreams" in spanish? Help me out ladies, my spanish is not so good...anywhoo, I saw this while browsing thru my local beauty supply store today. They have a shampoo, a conditoner, a deep conditioner, a moisturizing lotion and a spray. This is a breakdown of what I can remember:

1. Smoothing Shampoo - Had Tea Lauryl Sulfate as the second ingredient after water.

2.Smooth and Control Lotion - Can't remember first ingredients, sorry! I assume this is some type of oil moisturizing lotion like pink oil, bb castor oil, elasta qp oil moisturizer, something like that.

3.Deep Smoothing Treatment - I assumed this was the deep conditoner by the name, maybe to be left in for a few minutes. In the same type of bottle as the smoothing conditoner.

4. Smoothing conditioner - I assume this was the co wash type conditioner...rub it in, rinse it out.

5. Anti-Humidity Control Spray - Sd Alcohol was the first ingredient, turned me off immediately. Seemed to be some type of holding spray.

Anybody heard of these products, seen them? They sell for $3.99 each and they smell DIVINE. I almost bought them with my voucher that I had. I have products that work for me and I am not a pj, but I am a sucker for good smelling hair products. These smell so good!

Under the word Suenos on each bottle is a different combination of "flavors". I can't remember which went where, but there were combinations like on the shampoo for example, "Coconut and Mango", then on the conditioner it said like Guava and Avocado, then on the deep conditioner it said something like Mango and Apricot...don't quote me on those, I can't remember all the different fruits or combinations. Sorry so long but I just wanted to know if anyone had heard of them?

This is the only link I could find on the internet regarding them:(look in the bottom right hand corner)
Re: \"Suenos\" Hair Products smell soooo good...

I've seen them at a beauty supply in GA in Stone Mountain, however they wanted about $8 for them

My mom uses the hairspray - it's really light and combs out easy. I almost tried the other products but I was trying to combat my Pjism.
Re: \"Suenos\" Hair Products smell soooo good...

Here's some more info--

They look good.