Sudden NG?


New Member
Is it possible to suddenly feel 1/2 in of new growth that didn't appear to be there a few days ago? I am 4 weeks post and washed my hair today (after about a week) and today I feel NG that didn't appear to be there before. Hmmm...shouldn't I have been able to feel this before? Could I have been "producting up" my ng so that it wasn't noticable even to me, even in the middle of my head? I've just started using Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1. Could that be it? Is it even likely to be NG or just a strange result of a botched dry job? Right below this area (farther from the scalp) hair feels normally relaxed...Any ideas?
Well this can happen. :) It happened to me. Not all NG is going to take 2+ weeks to come in.
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Yes, this can definitely happen. I was six weeks post and still didn't feel too much NG. My stylist even held off on relaxing because she didn't want to risk overlapping. When I went back three weeks later, I was amazed to see a little more than an inch of new growth. You never know. I just attrributed it to a lot of prayer and sticking to the reggie.

Also, some people say they grow faster in the fall.
yes, definitely.

I feel my NG right at 5.5 weeks, like clockwork. 5 weeks, i feel nothing. It's not that there was not growth at 5 weeks, just that my hand couldn't feel it. It wasn't enough.