Successful Long-Distance Relationship?


Well-Known Member
Have any of you ladies had a long-distance relationship that lasted and successfully turned into more?

How far away were you from SO?
How often did you see each other?
How did you deal with the frustration?
How long was it a ldr before circumstances allowed you to be together?
If you ended it, was it because of the distance?

How far away were you from SO? I was in NY he in PA
How often did you see each other? Once or twice a month usually but we've gone months without seeing each other.
How did you deal with the frustration? We speak every chance we get even if its for a min, we text throughout the day and send each other love letters via email
How long was it a ldr before circumstances allowed you to be together? We are still apart but engaged we will no longer be apart next yr
If you ended it, was it because of the distance? N/A
We new each other before there was distance we went to the same hs
Have any of you ladies had a long-distance relationship that lasted and successfully turned into more?

How far away were you from SO? 2 1/2 hour drive
How often did you see each other? 1-2x a month
How did you deal with the frustration? It worked for me. I was in school full-time and working. No time for a full-time relationship.
How long was it a ldr before circumstances allowed you to be together? When I graduated the relationship was over. I had more free time but apparently he didn't and was used to the arrangement. I wanted more, he didn't.
If you ended it, was it because of the distance? See answer above


My answers are above. I didn't realize you said "successfully turned into more" before I responded. But our LD relationship lasted for three years.
My answers are above. I didn't realize you said "successfully turned into more" before I responded. But our LD relationship lasted for three years.

Yeah, sorry. I should have taken that part out, since I'd like to hear from those who are no longer in the relationship, too.
Have any of you ladies had a long-distance relationship that lasted and successfully turned into more?

How far away were you from SO?
How often did you see each other?
How did you deal with the frustration?
How long was it a ldr before circumstances allowed you to be together?
If you ended it, was it because of the distance?


I will post later.


1) 5 hours
2) Each month varied but at the least once a month
3) Communication was huge for us. We talked a lot and about everything. As far as sexually, I was fine. Our relationship was so much more than sex that missing him and his company was more of an issue for me.
4) Close to 2 years.... We got married.
5) N/A
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1. About 4 hours away:perplexed
2. Saw each other 1x a week most times and 1 x a fortnight occasionally.
3. Hmm for me not very well at the begginning. For the sexual frustration I ate:look: We didn't talk a loads when apart, but rectified that towards the end. I felt quite shy talking on the phone to him for some reason so didn't do enough of it, but I found it did actually help to hear him.
4. Around 1.5 years ish. Although this is something to keep in mind from the start really and discuss if it starts to become serious. We always had a plan for if we were a success. Someone, or both have to move at some point.
5. N/A but the distance wouldn't be the issue if we had have broken up. We both saw an end to the distance in our plans, so it wasn't so bad.
How far away were you from SO?
Me in Miami, FL and him in Paris, France

How often did you see each other?
Like once every 2 to 4 months. He travels a lot for work and I would meet up with him when it was in the states. I fly very often too, I didn't go anywhere but Europe that year.

How did you deal with the frustration?
Skype and Gtalk. We'd have the apps on our phones so we could contact anytime. We used to use Google Latitude (now defunct but used to show you another person's current location) to know where the other was and feel more "connected" somehow :lol:

How long was it a ldr before circumstances allowed you to be together?
A year and some. He moved to Montreal, Canada to be in my timezone and some months afterward I moved up there too. We're getting married next year, I'm back in Miami planning the wedding and he's in Paris working, so we're back to square #1 for the time being. I'll move to Paris after we're married.

If you ended it, was it because of the distance? N/A
Have any of you ladies had a long-distance relationship that lasted and successfully turned into more?

How far away were you from SO? Boston to Richmond, or ~600 miles
How often did you see each other? Whenever we both got breaks from school, so once a month in the fall and maybe once every two months in the spring.
How did you deal with the frustration? Unlimited texting and lots of skyping.
How long was it a ldr before circumstances allowed you to be together? Still is one, but by the time we graduate it will have been 3.5 years.

(10 characters)
Three times!
Once w an ex, twice w DH

The ex:
How far away were you from SO? DC to Philly, 2hrs, then he movd to nyc so thats 2 more hrs
How often did you see each other? Evry 2 months or so
How did you deal with the frustration? We were not exclusive :look: so i did my thing,
How long was it a ldr before circumstances allowed you to be together? It was ldr til it was ovr - off and on for 4 yrs
If you ended it, was it because of the distance?
Yes. Aftr a while i cared enuf to worry abt what he was doing when i wasnt around and my heart and brain couldnt take it

Six months later i startd datg DH. He was a good friend for the last two yrs i was w the Ex. And we were both in DC. Crazy as it sounds, DH movd to NY right before we got serious so another ldr began again

Second LDR:
How far away were you from SO? DC to NY, 4hrs
How often did you see each other? Evry 4-6 wks
How did you deal with the frustration? Stayd busy, lots of phone time
How long was it a ldr before circumstances allowed you to be together? 2 yrs
If you ended it, was it because of the distance? No end in sight :) ten yrs married, 16 yrs togethr

So 2 yrs later i movd to NY to be w him and lord hav mercy! Those wknd visits gave me no clue to how day to day living w a man would be. In 18 months i was moving upstate 6 hrs away to go to grad school. Living w him was an adjustment. i knew i couldnt finish schl livg w that stress so i left...another two yrs LDR, same answrs as before. We were engaged when i left and we got married the month aftr i finishd schl.
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Have any of you ladies had a long-distance relationship that lasted and successfully turned into more?Not yet lol

How far away were you from SO? all have been 2hrs
How often did you see each other? atleast one wknd a mth
How did you deal with the frustration? tried to make up for the whole mth in 1wknd:look: alot of talking on the phone during work hrs:lol: or any downtime and my last guy tried skyping
How long was it a ldr before circumstances allowed you to be together? all of my past relationships have been long distance and I wont shack up be4 marriage so after a yr or so something happened to break us up
If you ended it, was it because of the distance? nope they all hated the distance as I was their first LDR but I was fine with it since i've been doing this since senior yr of highschool To me the distance was the least of the problems


Answers above - i wonder where the ladies above met their SO's and those that are single now would they do a LDR again? I met all of mine through friends while i was making visits during travel and I would like to try something serious that isnt long distance atleast once in my life lol But i am still open to another LDR but he would have to be experience in LDR as well...cant deal with the complaining:rolleyes:
Have any of you ladies had a long-distance relationship that lasted and successfully turned into more?

How far away were you from SO? Im in NY, he was in the Caribbean
How often did you see each other? I traveled there every other month or so.
How did you deal with the frustration? We communicated alot. Spoke on the phone everyday, and spoke about everything.
How long was it a ldr before circumstances allowed you to be together? About 3 years LD, then he moved to NY, we got married and are expecting our 2nd child soon. We just had our 5th wedding anniversary in July.
If you ended it, was it because of the distance? NA


above in red
Have any of you ladies had a long-distance relationship that lasted and successfully turned into more?Currently in a relationship

How far away were you from SO? We started 12 hours away, I was in AL and he was in VA (this is before we were official. Then I moved to NC and he was in VA, that made is 6 hours apart. Now he is in DE while I in NC smh! So we are 8 hours apart.
How often did you see each other? It depends, about every 2 months approximately.
How did you deal with the frustration? I just focus on the fact the distance is going to be temporary. I focus on becoming a better me bc I know its going to be a transition when we are in the same space.
How long was it a ldr before circumstances allowed you to be together?
If you ended it, was it because of the distance? Still in a LDR its been a lil over a year that we have been together.


I love seeing the post where the distance turned into marriage :).

I was in a long distance relationship prior to my current one. The first LDR was with my first love. It definitely taught me alot but it was different bc we knew eachother for three years prior to him joining the military. We broke up after six years due to growing apart not distance. We were only 2.5 hours apart at that time and that is nothing to me. We had been 9 and 4 hours apart prior to the distance that we were when we broke up.

Honestly a relationship in the same city would be different for me bc i haven't experienced it in a long time. Plus I grew up a military kid so I watched my mother do it with my dad and step dad. She just moved back to the same area as my stepdad a month ago(she moved for a business venture which is still going but dad couldn't get a transfer back to the same city). I remember my mother telling myself and my SO that the distance is good but then she stopped herself bc she said that yall are younger its important to be closer now, but it can be a benefit for space lol.
Answers above - i wonder where the ladies above met their SO's and those that are single now would they do a LDR again? I met all of mine through friends while i was making visits during travel and I would like to try something serious that isnt long distance atleast once in my life lol But i am still open to another LDR but he would have to be experience in LDR as well...cant deal with the complaining:rolleyes:

I met mine thru friends too. If i was ever single again i probably would not do it again. Once u get used to your space and time, and workg your lovelife into your schedule on your terms... Its a bit much when u hav to deal w them on a daily basis after being apart for so long.
If i did do it again there would hav to be less distance so we could see each othr more often ... Not more than one hour drive
I remember my mother telling myself and my SO that the distance is good but then she stopped herself bc she said that yall are younger its important to be closer now, but it can be a benefit for space lol.

tinkat - :lachen:love it!

I met mine thru friends too. If i was ever single again i probably would not do it again. Once u get used to your space and time, and workg your lovelife into your schedule on your terms... Its a bit much when u hav to deal w them on a daily basis after being apart for so long.
If i did do it again there would hav to be less distance so we could see each othr more often ... Not more than one hour drive

biznesswmn - I understand but idk if I would fall too deep in love if I could see my man daily.... I go hard now with distance :look:
Have any of you ladies had a long-distance relationship that lasted and successfully turned into more?

How far away were you from SO?
How often did you see each other?
How did you deal with the frustration?
How long was it a ldr before circumstances allowed you to be together?
If you ended it, was it because of the distance?


Me states him Iraq
Me Korea him states
Me England him states

Once a year

It's hard, we talk a lot.

We are still apart almost 5 years