Question Subscription


Well-Known Member
If I decide not to renew and come back at a later date, will I still have my PMs and subscribed threads in my account? Or will I have to create a completely new account?
We do not delete information from the forum, this includes pictures, PMs, messages etc. You can leave and come back at any time :)
There was an admin thread/post a few days ago that said Google checkout is now being used for subscription renewal (can't find it now). However, when I click on "!!SUBSCRIBE!!" to renew, I am redirected to PayPal. ??? Please advise, thx.
We are working out some logistics issues with Google Checkout. In the meantime we have re-enabled PayPal for everyone to use.

Remember that once you click the subscribe button and pay for your subscription, PayPal will automatically create a new recurring transaction for the year to follow. If you do not wish that to happen, please log in your PayPal account and cancel the recurring payment.