Request Subforum for Relaxed Hair

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I am recently relaxed, and I really would get a lot more out of this site if there were a separate section. It is hard to find even basic information on the boards for relaxed hair. So many relaxed members don't come in the hair care section anymore, so even if you post a specific thread looking for help, you often don't get the answers you need. For instance, the other day, I had to do a search for help on wrapping, and had to wade through a ton of long threads and still didn't really get what I needed.

So pretty much, I pretty much just search the hair care section because the majority of the threads just don't relate to my hair care needs.

The board has changed a lot over the years from when relaxed members were the main ones seeking hair advice. However, I also think that there is not as much of a divide between naturals and relaxed ladies anymore. Or it could be that the unity is just an illusion because the relaxed heads are going elsewhere to get hair advice.
In the meantime ... I've created a "relaxed" folder for my subbed threads which has significantly helped reduce my search time..the search time prevented my lazy self from posting a lot. I never new that we could create folders like that. (I have one for "wash day" and the threads I post in there too). Maybe that will help cut down the search time for everyone else...maybe:ohwell:
Nix08 that's a good idea, but you will still run the risk of missing new threads posted.

It would just be easier to have the subforum. No division of the board, just a better way to organize information and encourage the relaxed newbies to post.

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@Nix08 that's a good idea, but you will still run the risk of missing new threads posted.

It would just be easier to have the subforum. No division of the board, just a better way to organize information and encourage the relaxed newbies to post.

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I agree:yep:

Just checked out the Everyday Hair thread looking for some styling ideas and it is full of different styles.....for naturals....:look:

Would really be nice if we had a relaxed subforum with an Everyday Hair thread full of styles relaxed heads could do. :look:
I didnt care before but I dont see why not?

If we can have a Michael Jackson forum and a Whitney Houston forum then why not get some organization on a long HAIR care forum?

BHM is slow as hell but I love their organization. Weaves in one place, relaxed in another, naturals over here, etc.
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