Suave Professionals line


Well-Known Member
I just purchased Suave professionals humectant shampoo & conditioner. Has anyone tried this line and did you like it? It claims to "deeply moisturize as well as Nexxus". I can't compare since I haven't tried Nexxus products yet.
I've used them both and they are totally different, but both are good. I use the Suave for co washes and pre-poos, and I use the Nexxus after protein treatments and for deep conditioning.
I used the shampoo and conditioner. I like the conditioner because it smells good and detangles my son's natural hair. He's 17 months and has a little fro and this detangles his hair greatly. I didnt like the shampoo that much and wont buy it again.
I have the poo and condish, but not too crazy about the condish. I added coconut oil and olive oil to it, but I probably wouldn't buy it again.
I finally used the Suave BioBasics Shampoo. However, I noticed one thing--and that is--it has a slight ammonia smell to it. This smell was not there the night before nor was it there when I bought it from the store. So I read the ingredients. It has ammonium lauryl sulfate, ammonium laureth sulfate, ammonium xylenesulfonate, and ammonium Chloride. Maybe that’s why it smelled.

I didn’t want my stylist to notice the smell while he was washing my hair, so I diluted it with Trader Joe’s Peppermint Castile soap, which I normally carry in my purse to wash my hands. I shook the shampoo bottle vigorously. I didn’t want the ammonia to burn my scalp, but I wanted to try it anyway for the first wash.

Well, everything worked out fine. No complaints from my stylist, and it did a good job. The funny thing about it is that the whole bottle of shampoo did not smell like ammonia. For this reason, I’ve made up my mind I won’t be replacing it; but in the meantime, I will just dilute it with the castile soap or any other shampoo that doesn’t work well on my hair such as Nexxus.
Barbara said:
I finally used the Suave BioBasics Shampoo. However, I noticed one thing--and that is--it has a slight ammonia smell to it. This smell was not there the night before nor was it there when I bought it from the store. So I read the ingredients. It has ammonium lauryl sulfate, ammonium laureth sulfate, ammonium xylenesulfonate, and ammonium Chloride. Maybe that’s why it smelled.

I didn’t want my stylist to notice the smell while he was washing my hair, so I diluted it with Trader Joe’s Peppermint Castile soap, which I normally carry in my purse to wash my hands. I shook the shampoo bottle vigorously. I didn’t want the ammonia to burn my scalp, but I wanted to try it anyway for the first wash.

Well, everything worked out fine. No complaints from my stylist, and it did a good job. The funny thing about it is that the whole bottle of shampoo did not smell like ammonia. For this reason, I’ve made up my mind I won’t be replacing it; but in the meantime, I will just dilute it with the castile soap or any other shampoo that doesn’t work well on my hair such as Nexxus.

Could you have a bad batch?
i thought those were pretty good. personally i prefer the regular suave line. i didnt think they were as good as nexxus but they were very good for CW and i would add honey and EVOO for a deep condition. not staples of mine but still good products
I use Suave professionals humectant conditioner and suave professionals extreme strength conditioner and I love them both they leave my hair very soft. I usually use the extreme strength conditioner and an ORS replenishing pack as a deep conditioner and it leaves my hair really soft and manageable.
I use Suave professionals humectant conditioner and suave professionals extreme strength conditioner and I love them both they leave my hair very soft. I usually use the extreme strength conditioner and an ORS replenishing pack as a deep conditioner and it leaves my hair really soft and manageable.

They both have almost the exact same ingredients.
They both have almost the exact same ingredients.

All 3 of them do (Humectant, Extreme, & Biobasics). I went with Humectant because the smell wasn't too overpowering. I like it.

But the fact that they have almost all of the same ingredients is like, blah.
I dont like it. I've used the one that is supposed to compare to Matrix and the Humectant kind. The latter's smell made me nauseous and did nothing for my hair, the first was nothing spectacular.
I really like the suave humectant condish..... I used it to cowash when my hair was natural. I haven't tried it since I've been relaxed mainl because I bought HE LTR.

Once the LTR is done I'm gonna buy the humectant again. Not that LTR is bad but I find that the suave worked better on my natural hair. It gave me more slip on natural hair than LTR so relaxed may be even better!
I really like the Suave Humectress. Its decent in thickness and makes an excellent co wash. Great price. I also have never tried the Nexxus as an adult. I remember my mom used that one my hair before when I was a wee one.
Yes, I really :love: the Suave Humectress condish! :yep: I thought the shampoo would be good, too, based on how good the conditioner was... :nono: My hair felt like straw after shampooing with that. I'll not be using that again. But the condish is great for co-washing and you can't beat the price.