Suave naturals conditioner which are the most moisturizing

I've been having GREAT success with Suave Natural Strawberry. I was using VO5's Strawberries and Cream (used it for years) but I like the Suave better.

I only use it for midweek condish washes and for last rinse detangling.

I don't remember the exact names, but the Ocean one left my hair softest with the most slip. Followed by toasted vanilla and then coconut :yep:
* Suave coconut conditioner
the most moisturizing of the bunch. I dont think you should use the clarifying conditioner before just slather the conditioner on and massage then rinse out well and detangle. My hair is pretty clean after i airdry when i do this! Its amazing because all i used is conditioner.
Suave coconut also makes my hair lastingly moisturized (grammer :rolleyes: ) I love love love it!
I never used the coconut one but the strawberry and aloe & lily work great...I can't tell the difference as far as which one moisturizes the best.