Suave Milk & Honey Conditioner (I HAVE to find some)


New Member
I have searched high and low.
I've seen all that I can see.
And I still cannot find any M&H conditioner!
I'm willing to go in the Chicagoland area to find some.
Hell, I'll even buy some online.
Could anyone show me where I can get some?
I haven't seen any since '06.
I used this when I first started my hair care journey and I miss it. =[
I think they discontinued it, but I've seen some online with the newer Suave packaging.
Like this:

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Um I've seen the M&H poo at the 99cent only store by my house, but I don't recall seeing the conditioner, I'm stopping by there tomorrow, I will look for it and let you know if it's there, sorry I can't be anymore help to you.
Um I've seen the M&H poo at the 99cent only store by my house, but I don't recall seeing the conditioner, I'm stopping by there tomorrow, I will look for it and let you know if it's there, sorry I can't be anymore help to you.

Thanks girl. I appreciate it. =]
If I am not mistaken, they discontinued the Suave Milk & Honey awhile back. I believe it was replaced with the Tropical Coconut. Good luck with your seach though. Some people are able to find bottles here and there in certain areas, but for the most part, it isn't being restocked on the shelves anymore because it's no longer being made.
I have a bottle and a half left:look: and I found it at the dollar store.

However I don't see it anymore anywhere... so I think I am just going to get the suave tropical coconut when I run out of my beloved milk n honey:ohwell:
I have no trouble finding this conditioner. Almost every 99 cent store in Brooklyn has this conditioner and i'm wondering if i'm getting some bootlegged, watered down conditioner or something since so many seem to have trouble finding it:look:
I'll check the 99 cent stores and BSS in Washington Heights. I haven't ever tried m&h before just the tropical coconut.
Thanks ladies.
I've tried the Tropical Coconut.
It was nice, but I miss the M&H.
I love the way it smelled. =]
I swear I'll pay somebody on the East Coast to get some.
I've never been to Big Lots. LOL.
I always see them but I never had a reason to go in.
Plus, I never knew what they had in there.
I'll have to check them out. :yep:

Never???? Ohhhh lawdy, I think you're gonna be in for a surprise then. Even if you go in there, and don't see any of the M&H, I'm sure your hands won't be empty:lol: I've bought lots of nice haircare products from there. I, too, been looking for that ever since I seen the rave on it here, but have YET to come across it:(
Never???? Ohhhh lawdy, I think you're gonna be in for a surprise then. Even if you go in there, and don't see any of the M&H, I'm sure your hands won't be empty:lol: I've bought lots of nice haircare products from there. I, too, been looking for that ever since I seen the rave on it here, but have YET to come across it:(
I need to check out your Big Lots then. The one here sucks and I've never seen any good hair care products in there:nono:
I need to check out your Big Lots then. The one here sucks and I've never seen any good hair care products in there:nono:

LOL C'mon, we can go shopping together!! But I've gotten some Tresemme, Pantene, Smooth n Shine, S-curl products (when I had a texturizer) even some relaxers back in the day.

I had often wondered if they sell discontinued items exclusively since they be so cheap in there. But I'm always looking for expiration dates and some don't have them and others have them, but they're not even expired.

So it's just my thinking that companies send them to low-cost retailers to try and liquidate their inventory and still make money from the overhead. Dunno.....
Sorry F.F. I didn't see any at the 99cent store I went to today :nono:. But I will be on the look out for it, thinking I need to hit up Big Lot too, I have one, 2 blocks from my house and I've never been in it.
Sorry F.F. I didn't see any at the 99cent store I went to today :nono:. But I will be on the look out for it, thinking I need to hit up Big Lot too, I have one, 2 blocks from my house and I've never been in it.

It's okay girl.
Thanks for checking though.
I appreciate the effort. =]
That's LHCF love right there. :yep:
I have to admit that I went looking for it too. I checked Jewel and WalMart and saw nothing. If I go to Big Lots or a dollar store I'll look there for you too. I wish I could see the pic of the package.
Hey FF, girl I went to big lots today for the first time in my life looking for your M & H conditioner, no luck:nono: but girl I did hit the jackpot:grin: I can't believe I've been sleeping on that place! I bought some Turbie Twists, Dove conditioner and some other stuff, going back tomorrow after work, But I will be on the look out for your stuff, I know I've seen it around, thanks for posting the pic.
Hey FF, girl I went to big lots today for the first time in my life looking for your M & H conditioner, no luck:nono: but girl I did hit the jackpot:grin: I can't believe I've been sleeping on that place! I bought some Turbie Twists, Dove conditioner and some other stuff, going back tomorrow after work, But I will be on the look out for your stuff, I know I've seen it around, thanks for posting the pic.

LOL. I'm glad you had fun. I need to go to my local Big Lots.
You guys are making me want to go with my broke self.
Thanks for looking girl, I really do appreciate it. =]
F.F. are you only wanting the conditioner cuz I found the shampoo yesterday, the shelves is stocked with that,lol
Dayjoy girl it was undaground :sekret:shhh. Believe it or not I had a male friend look for it where he stay and he found it on first attempt:lachen:
Did you check ebay, I had posted a link a few days ago, but I don't know if its still available, if I come across more I'll let you know.