suave milk and honey conditioner

Mrs. Verde

Well-Known Member
I really miss this conditioner. I emailed Suave yesterday and asked them to bring this product back. I specifically requested that they DO NOT change the formula. This got me to thinking I know a lot of people on this board and others :love2::love3::love4::lovedrool: this conditioner. What if we started a writing campaign to Suave to request this product come back. I know it's a long shot, but hey you never know. Here's a link if you are interested:
This was my very favorite!!

The original formula in the old bottle... NOT the 2nd formula which was what was available when they discontinued it.

I still have a couple of bottles hidden in the back of my closet for "special occasions". :lol:

I just emailed an impassioned request for more!!
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I hope they bring it back.....they shoulda never discountinued it in the first place........
YES...YES...YES... This was my alll time favorite condish. I actually just finished up my last bottle a month ago and I thought I was going to cry. I was so happy when DH found 11 bottles back in 07'. We may have a better chance of winning the lotto than them bringing the OG Milk n Honey back. lol
I never tried this one, it was being discontinued when I first joined. It would be nice to see what the hype is about.