"Stylists" at the BSS...Why?


New Member
I have been lurking around on this site for over year. So, hello and thank you ladies for all of the helpful information!

Today I went to the BSS to feed my newly developed half-wig addiction. A woman walked into the store wearing a "well worn" synthetic half wig. I didn't think much about it...just that she was probably replacing her wig. She then proceeded to approach people and said that she was a stylist and that they should let her do their hair. First of all, just because you put your hands on someone else's hair with some scissors, relaxer, weave, whatever....does NOT make you a stylist! Secondly, if she insists on promoting herself in that manner, then why doesn't she make sure that her hair looks well cared for and well groomed???

Luckily I left before she could come up to me. I don't know what I would have said. :ohwell:

Since I have been educating myself more about my hair, I have become wary of stylists, hairdressers, etc. I am 11 weeks post and I am considering going natural, but I am trying to get my hair healthy before I make the final decision (thus the half-wigs). I would have never taken her up on her offer, but more and more I am realizing that I pretty much want to be the only person taking care of my hair!
Yea that's how a lot of us get once we are armed with knowledge on proper hair care. A lot of stylists, not all of thm, just don't get it. Back when I did used to go to the salon (pre-LHCF), I wouldn't let anyone touch my hair unless they themselves had well cared for, looking hair. If they didn't, there was NO way they were coming near my head!:lachen:
This is true in a way. But I've also had to work with home repair guys who don't take care of their own homes at all but they got the job I needed done. So the rule of thumb doesn't always apply.
I guess the difference could be a stylist who has healthy hair as opposed to a stylist who has unhealthy hair. The style someone has will not appeal to all no matter what.
That's weird. Someone else in another thread posted almost the exact same thing (I think). They said they were in the BSS and a woman who said she was a beautician rolled up on her and offered her services.

I wonder if you two went to the same BSS.
This happened to me a couple of days ago. This stylist hair looked nice but I noticed they didn't do natural hair. Also I heard from other people that they keep the relaxers into long burning people scalps. So yea I won't be going there even if I was relaxed.