STYLES with Big extensions braids


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies! as usual i struggle finding a hairstyle...normally braids are not allowed where i work :)rolleyes: whatever im still gonna go with my braids) crazyness. they are just crazy! im black!

Anyway i've been wearing twists, extensions braids (im protectiv styling till summer i guess).. Every time ive been at a salon, they messed up my hair. So ive decided to do everything myslef!

Is there any style or a picture of big braids that look good and not childish? Im too lazy doint smaller ones and maybe the big ones will protect my hair even better.

Thanks a lot i gotta do this on friday..
"Normal braids are not allowed"

What does that mean? And if braids are not allowed, why will you disregard the rules and wear braids anyway? Why not weave or braid your hair anyhow and wear a wig?
google is your friend. you'll find a lot of style examples just by entering a search term and looking at the 'images' results. since they changed that feature i love it and use it all the time for just this reason.

see screenshot (note there are over 86,000 results)
Thanks for your help.

The reason why i dont wear a wig is because i dont feel comfortable, weaves ithc me like hell but uts worth trying again. At work our hair has to be put up in a bun. and wih a wig or weave i guess the tracks are seen at the bottom.

im not an expert...