style challenge: styling the FRONT of hair when flat ironing or rollersetting


Well-Known Member
I flat ironed my hair for the first time in a while. The back was nice. When I got to the front, I wasn't sure in which direction I should flat iron, so my hair was all over the place. Do you flat iron or rollerset in a certain pattern when you get to the front of your hair? I need a pattern that'll allow my hair to fall nice.
:hiya2: I know what you mean about flatironing/rollersetting the front. Im style challenged as well and if you don't do it just right, then the whole style falls really weird. The easiest thing for me has been to do a part straight down the middle and then flatiron or rollerset in that style, KWIM? (Rolling/flatironing each side to the left or to the right respectively...I hope I'm making some sort of sense:spinning: