Stuck at BSL?


New Member
Has anyone here ever felt like they were stuck at BSL length for a long time and having trouble getting past that length?

What did you do about it? Did you have to change something in your regimen, products, or technique?

girl I am just trying to get to where you are... I wish I had BSL hair!!
I hate being stuck with SL in the back, sides are almost shoulder, and my crown grows the slowest:ohwell:. So whatever you are doing to even get to that point of BSL is phenomenal in my eyes:yep:
I was stuck at BSL for years. My hair just didn't grow past that. Then I quit the relaxers, did the big chop, stopped trimming and my hair is now at waist length. I'm not sure what really helped though. I took awful care of my hair before and I do so many things different now that I couldn't point to one thing. Maybe it's a combination. No heat, gentle regular detangling and cowashing, protective styles, no trims....I don't even know which one. I like to think just being very, very careful with my hair goes a long way.
I'll be glad when I'm stuck at BSL but I'm sure you'll make it pass soon because whatever you're doing is working great. GL and HHG.
After I cut my hair, I've been stuck at BSL too! It's a big problem too because I want it to grow longer again. I may just leave it alone for a while by braiding it for the winter.
I was trying my best to ignore this thread. :look:

**mumbling** they complaining bout being stuck BSL...shoot I can't even get past SL.:rolleyes:


Yes, I'm a hater...........:lachen:
co signing w/ everyone who said they wished they had that "problem".... ZZ your hair is amazing!

btw, ive been stuck at APL length for years... so i can relate on some level.
I was trying my best to ignore this thread. :look:

**mumbling** they complaining bout being stuck BSL...shoot I can't even get past SL.:rolleyes:


Yes, I'm a hater...........:lachen:

Oh, man. This is too funny! :lachen:

Anyway, I feel you OP. I'm stuck @ brastrap too. Bumping for suggestions to get over the hump.
The bolded does not give me hope

co signing w/ everyone who said they wished they had that "problem".... ZZ your hair is amazing!

btw, ive been stuck at APL length for years... so i can relate on some level.
I wanna be stuck at BSL. :cry:

I'm between APL and brastrap. I'm going to order Shapley's Max Gro and pray that it puts me right at brastrap.
I was stuck at BSL for years. My hair just didn't grow past that. Then I quit the relaxers, did the big chop, stopped trimming and my hair is now at waist length. I'm not sure what really helped though. I took awful care of my hair before and I do so many things different now that I couldn't point to one thing. Maybe it's a combination. No heat, gentle regular detangling and cowashing, protective styles, no trims....I don't even know which one. I like to think just being very, very careful with my hair goes a long way.

I agree. This is something I always try to keep in mind, too-how careful I am being with my hair. Maybe I am hitting a phase where my growth is slowing down at the moment. I am afraid to try anything too different with my hair because I feel like consistency has given me the best results in the past.
I was trying my best to ignore this thread. :look:

**mumbling** they complaining bout being stuck BSL...shoot I can't even get past SL.:rolleyes:


Yes, I'm a hater...........:lachen:

Lol, it's all good, klb. After posting this topic I thought to myself...maybe I shoulda left off the "at BSL" part of the title and just called it "Stuck"?

I'm interested in hearing from anyone who was stuck at a particular length and made it past there, really. So I'm hoping more people will jump in to give some tips for all of us...
I'm stuck too :wallbash: and wonder if it's because of not wearing protective styles enough in the past year. I'm on a personal challenge where I put my hair up in a bun or peacock twist 5 days a week. If I'm not at terminal length then I should be waist length by early 2008.
I'm stuck at bsl too. Some of it is my own fault for all the unnecessary trims I have done in '07. I find that when I seem to be stuck at any length for an extended period of time I up the protective styling (buns, tucked under ponytails, updos and clips) until I make it past. I am taking my won advice and doing more protective styling to get past the hump.
At one point I kept having set backs that would put me back at apl. I always got past the hump very quickly by cutting out direct heat and just leaving my hair alone....(not combing or brushing much, braiding at night, wash n'go's with little manipulation). I think low manipulation was the key for me.
BSL is probably the most desired length. I too am working toward this goal, but I can understand you wanted to achieve longer. I'm sure you will stop trimming for while or trim yourself. Or, maybe try some bunning and other protective styles. Wash at least 2-3 times a week. GOOD LUCK.
:nono: at those who wish they were stuck at BSL (I can understand wanting longer hair) because when they actually get to BSL they will probably want longer hair, and being stuck ain't matter how long your hair is.
*Pulls up a chair and waits for advice* :look:

I think I've seem stuck because I keep dusting the back to even up the layers. Everyone says how long it it but I just don't see it at times.:nono: which explains why I haven't updated. My pictures seem to look the same as my August update. Not sure if it hair anorexia or what. I will definately be mid back by spring/summer would be lovely with thick ends :drunk: