Stuck at do you break the plateau?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, this is a spinoff of an earlier thread, but how do you break a hair plateau? I don't think my situation is anywhere near gloom and doom; in fact, I'm very thankful what I've gotten so far. :yep:

But I guess I'm comparing my growth to the inital growth. In the first 4 months of LHCF, I went from APL to BSL. Four more months have passed and I'm still hovering around BSL. I did a slight trim in Nov. about a 1/2 inch (unnecessarily), and I dusted yesterday for the first time since then(necessary). I've never been a bunner because I feel like it make my ends dry and crinkled (if that makes sense) so I'm scared to do that thinking it might create a setback. However, I'm a weekly rollersetter, DC'er, moisturize/sealer, vitamin taker and I do keep my hair up off my clothing and protect at night. The only thing that's changed is that my exercise has decreased because I was sick for a few months. I'm gonna start ramping that up again ASAP.

I know that my hair is growing overall because my layers are now past SL, but I guess I was expecting a drastic jump like I experienced in the first four months of this journey. I also get my annual growth spurts in the summer months, so I'm looking forward to that too.
Any tips for breaking a hair plateau? I'm still hoping to reach my goals this year.
Well how many inches do you have from where you are now to your goal? If it's more than two inches (assuming you have the average growth rate) then you'll need more than 4 months.
I'm bunning and DCing more often, keeping my hands out of my hair more too to try to get to waist length from BSL. i'm now at the bottom of BSL making my way to midback. Maybe bunning and a hands-off policy will help you get over the plateau
I'm bunning and DCing more often, keeping my hands out of my hair more too to try to get to waist length from BSL. i'm now at the bottom of BSL making my way to midback. Maybe bunning and a hands-off policy will help you get over the plateau

Thanks Whimsy. I'm in the same place as you and trying to get to midback. I'll try the bunning again. How do you prevent your hair from feeling crinkly after bunning? Or do you keep it up 24/7 so it doesn't matter how your ends look?
Well how many inches do you have from where you are now to your goal? If it's more than two inches (assuming you have the average growth rate) then you'll need more than 4 months.

Thanks, you make a great point. I'm hoping for two more inches (MBL) and ultimately 4 (WL).
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I agree with Whimsy. If bunnign doesn't work for you, try other updos that would protect your ends and keep them moisturized! I used Good Hair Days pins and they don't pull or stress my hair while in a bun. I'll sometimes braid my pony and add extra oil (JBCO, Vatika or CoCasta)before pinning as well. This is for further protection. Outside of that, just be patient. I know it's easier said than done, but you'll be mbl before u know it!
Thanks Whimsy. I'm in the same place as you and trying to get to midback. I'll try the bunning again. How do you prevent your hair from feeling crinkly after bunning? Or do you keep it up 24/7 so it doesn't matter how your ends look?

Try a ponytail rollerset and then loosely bun. Your hair is long enough that you should be able to tuck the ends behind the bun gently, which should help prevent the crinkling. Also, SATURATE your ends with a thick oil like castor, this keeps them very soft too.

I FINALLY reached BSL and I believe it was because I started working out and eating my f/v every day! Plus drinking water, milk and 100% juice. :lick: I got a crazy spurt in the middle of winter. (My growth spurts are usually in the summer too).

Your hair may be in a stage right before a spurt - I promise I was an inch above BSL for months, my hair just did.not.move! :wallbash: And then one day I was washing and my wet hair felt longer on my back. I was BSL! :drunk:

Can't wait until it's MBL. You'll get there. Keep the faith! :up:
Try a ponytail rollerset and then loosely bun. Your hair is long enough that you should be able to tuck the ends behind the bun gently, which should help prevent the crinkling. Also, SATURATE your ends with a thick oil like castor, this keeps them very soft too.

I FINALLY reached BSL and I believe it was because I started working out and eating my f/v every day! Plus drinking water, milk and 100% juice. :lick: I got a crazy spurt in the middle of winter. (My growth spurts are usually in the summer too).

Your hair may be in a stage right before a spurt - I promise I was an inch above BSL for months, my hair just did.not.move! :wallbash: And then one day I was washing and my wet hair felt longer on my back. I was BSL! :drunk:

Can't wait until it's MBL. You'll get there. Keep the faith! :up:

Thanks, I appreciate your kind words, and I'll try adding the castor oil. Also, congrats on reaching BSL. I've been keeping up with your other posts, Butterfly, and I think you may be MBL when you relax.
I agree with the other ladies. "A watched pot never boils." Try putting it up for a month or so and keep your ends moisturized, they're not going to "crinkle", you'll be fine.

I'm doing my own little bun challenge. I started at the end of January and I've seen lots of growth. I'm grazing the top of my bra strap and am hoping to be below bra strap by Memorial Day. Initially when I began to bun, I thought this was going to be soooo boring, but one of the other ladies suggested hair decor. With the spring coming up, I went to the beauty supply store and bought different color roses for my hair and I am absolutely loving how cute I look with my hair up. I'm at the point now that I may develop a phobia if it's down. Now don't get me wrong, I take it down at night to apply my growth aids and put my satin bun on - the next day, back up in the bun. It has now become habitual for me. My hair is in very good health and it's growing really well.

Give it a try for a week or so, watch your ends and then make the determination if it's for you or not.