Struggling with fasting


New Member
Hey everyone. Greetings to everyone on this forum and special blessings to all who are currently fasting. This is kinda long so bear with me.

I'm having a difficult time completing my fast. From since Nov, I had made the decision to do a 21 day Daniel fast on my own. But during the Christmas season I found out that my church regularly does a one week fast the first week of the year (this week). No biggie I thought. Until I got to church this past Sunday and my Pastor announced that it was to be a complete fast starting from midnight Monday until 6 AM Saturday. Pretty much those on medication could fast from 6AM-6PM. We have nightly prayer from 7PM and the culmination of which is on friday from Midnight to 6 AM.

My problem began on Monday (the first day of the fast). I thought I would complete fast from 6-6 and then Daniel fast after that. That was until I ran into my aunt, who church was on a Daniel fast, yet she had went out to lunch with my uncle because she chosen only to fast breakfast and dinner. She then put into my spirit that the fast could be whatever I wanted, however I had already decided how restrictive I wanted to be. I then proceeded, because I was SOOOO hungry to eat several different types of chips, made myself a sandwich, and ate a tangerine. It was only upon going to church that night, talking with my Pastor and believing that God would see me through the week that I decided to do a COMPLETE 24 hour fast (water is allowed) for the week.

Someone must have been praying in addition to me, because yesterday was wonderful! I was not even hungry and I KNOW that was God's favor in order to let me know that I could complete the week. THE PROBLEM IS: My Mother!! She's a Godly woman, who attends another church, I also live with her and my father. She herself has decided to do a Daniel fast, but she is not as supportive of my complete fast. Today she has cooked more food than she usually does on a Sunday (including my favorite), and then asked me to watch the pots while she went on some errands. To add to the temptation she then asked me to add some carrots to one of her dishes so that I would be standing over the pot smelling the food. When I told her I didn't want to, she accused me not wanting to help, instead of recognizing the temptation. She said she made the macaroni for me, and since I was a new faster it was not good for me to jump right in. Needless to say, this spoke into my spirit as well as I proceeded to "sample" the gravy from the chicken as well as help myself to a big serving of macaroni.

Now I don't even want to go to church and it starts in a half an hour! I feel sick from what I ate, and I'm somewhat disappointed that I couldn't last the day at least. I told my mom that she was discouraging me, but she still insisted on telling me stories of other people who fasted wrong for years and messed up their bodies. The thing is, I was really looking for revelations and breakthrough this week, but I really feel like I messed up. So you don't even have to say anything, but if you read this, please pray that God's will be done concerning this fast. I think I am still going to go to church because staying home and being discouraged is exactly where the devil wants me.

Thanks for listening to my rant. Hope all other fasters are finding their strength in the Lord.
awe. I too have been struggling with fasting. I don't plan to do a 24 hr fast, but I can imagine that all these people around you tempting you can't feel good. I understand the health aspect of your mom saying that some people have hurt themselves by doing it wrong, But as a people of faith we have to know that unless God speaks to us about it, we should be able to fast safely and effectively and come out in good health. So long as you don't have any previous health conditions, you should be fine. I hear that some people experience headache, but other than that, nothing major. mac and cheese is not the type of food that one needs to break into either after fasting off all food. You should gradually make your way back into it by starting with broths and or soft cooked veggies to get your body acclimated back to processing solids. I will pray for you and your fast and just know that God will lead you to the right type of fast. I had a sister in Christ to assure me that fasting comes from God and he will direct you.

Now, about your church fast, it it suppose to be 24 hours a day for a full week. Have you spoken with your pastor to find out if alternatives can be made seeing how this would be your first time fasting for this extended amount of time and on so little fuel?
Now I don't even want to go to church and it starts in a half an hour! I feel sick from what I ate, and I'm somewhat disappointed that I couldn't last the day at least. I told my mom that she was discouraging me, but she still insisted on telling me stories of other people who fasted wrong for years and messed up their bodies. The thing is, I was really looking for revelations and breakthrough this week, but I really feel like I messed up.

most or much of your focus is on the so-called technical aspects
of fasting right or wrong way..
Our God looks at the heart~ :)

If an attempt to fast is taking you away from God..
you may want to re-examine the definitition of a breakthrough
you could be having one right now!!!

And....the time to go to church.. is exactly when I "mess up"
and not just because I fasted.."right"

I hope this bible verse gives you more of an idea of
what our Lord looks for..
God bless your efforts

Isaiah 58:3-10

`We have fasted before you!' they say. `Why aren't you impressed? We have done much penance, and you don't even notice it!' "I will tell you why! It's because you are living for yourselves even while you are fasting. You keep right on oppressing your workers.

4 What good is fasting when you keep on fighting and quarreling? This kind of fasting will never get you anywhere with me.

5 You humble yourselves by going through the motions of penance, bowing your heads like a blade of grass in the wind. You dress in sackcloth and cover yourselves with ashes. Is this what you call fasting? Do you really think this will please the LORD?

6 "No, the kind of fasting I want calls you to free those who are wrongly imprisoned and to stop oppressing those who work for you. Treat them fairly and give them what they earn.

7 I want you to share your food with the hungry and to welcome poor wanderers into your homes. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help.

8 "If you do these things, your salvation will come like the dawn. Yes, your healing will come quickly. Your godliness will lead you forward, and the glory of the LORD will protect you from behind.

9 Then when you call, the LORD will answer. `Yes, I am here,' he will quickly reply. "Stop oppressing the helpless and stop making false accusations and spreading vicious rumors!

10 Feed the hungry and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as day.

11 The LORD will guide you continually, watering your life when you are dry and keeping you healthy, too. You will be like a well-watered garden, like
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Thanks SuperNova and Kayte. I think I was just so overwhelmed by this whole experience. Fortunately and unfortunately, I am an all or nothing kind of girl. So I took it really hard when I messed up this evening, to the point of literally crying when my father was asking me why I wasn't going to church. It may have came off that I was upset with my mother, but I realize that I was upset with myself. I realized that I am often swayed too easily by the opinions of others and I can let it disrupt my entire day and life. This is WRONG, especially since I KNOW I heard from the Lord regarding my fasting this week. Although it's all or nothing with me and with God, I'm so thankful that even though he demands perfection, he still honors the effort.

I'm not going to let today's slip up set me off course like I have often done in times before. Tomorrow is another day, one in which God will prove that he is faithful to me as I obey and remain faithful unto him. Thanks so much Kayte for Isaiah 58. I've been reading that scripture all week and have only now had a difference in revelation from it. I don't want to get so caught up in the religiousity and spectacle of my fasting that it becomes about me and my failings as a human and my "punishing" myself, and less about my consecration to God and hearing from him.
I can relate. I too have been struggling and one my "excuses" is God knows my heart and He does-lol-He knows I was giving in to my flesh and using Him as an excuse. So basically my heart wasnt right. Clearly that isnt your problem Wonderfullymade so I am so glad you posted and I get to be blessed by Supernova and Kayte's responses. I need to repent and start this fast again. I already decided when and how I am going to begin again with the right-eous focus and heart. My desire is to spend this time in fellowship with God and give the devil and my flesh a BIG OLD FASHION BLACK EYE. Now I know God has heard my cry, because I have been contemplating my insincerity and lack of committment and for Kayte to post those scriptures-God let me know He knows my heart and it wasnt in the right place. I love the truth!
WonderfullyMade I could not rest tonight until I found a passage in the bible that has really helped me in regards to fasting. I am not going to post the entire chapter but when you get time reference Romans 14. This chapters speaks of the criticism that can come about when we are honor God. I found this passage to be helpful in making a decision as to what to fast from. My personal sacrifice is to fast from meats until dinner time. This is a HUGE sacrifice for me because I am a meat and potatoes girl. But I realized that my sacrifice doesn't have to be the same as any one elses.

I understand your disappointment but my point is that you are doing the right thing because you had God in mind. You were honoring Him with your sacrifice and that is what really matters. He doesn't look at how you messed up. :nono: He's looking at your heart and how you love Him and seeking His wisdom for your life.

Like Kayte stated you are caught up in the technical aspects. Our God isn't technical at all. Yeah the mac and cheese was good but there is no need to beat yourself up over what happened.:) He doesn't hold it against you and you shouldn't either. Today is a new day and yesterday is a memory in the past.

Romans 14:20 Don’t tear apart the work of God over what you eat. Remember, all foods are acceptable, but it is wrong to eat something if it makes another person stumble. 21 It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything else if it might cause another believer to stumble. 22 You may believe there’s nothing wrong with what you are doing, but keep it between yourself and God. Blessed are those who don’t feel guilty for doing something they have decided is right. 23 But if you have doubts about whether or not you should eat something, you are sinning if you go ahead and do it. For you are not following your convictions. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning.
The ladies here have given you excellent advice.

One thing that I found helpful when I was fasting (I did a 30 day fruit/vegetable fast) was that I found a website called "Freedom You" or "Freedom Fasting" and it was encouraging for me to read about other people who were experiencing what I was experiencing. I also kept a journal as well. After a certain point, I wasn't even hungry anymore, but it was just wanting to eat fries because I could smell them, or wanting ice cream because I saw it on a commercial.

Another bit of advice is that fasting is personal. I didn't tell anyone that I was fasting until day 28 of the fast-it was my best friend and he invited me to lunch. I told him that I was fasting that the only thing I would have is an all- fruit smoothie. Guess what he did? We walked to the smoothie shop and he too had a smoothie for lunch because he didn't want to eat in front of me. However, I did have other friends who invited me to lunch or dinner and I would make excuses not to go because I wasn't sure that they would understand why I was fasting or would support me and not try to sabotage me.

I plan on starting a 30 day fast later this month. If you are planning to do a fast and would like a partner to check in with or ask questions and so forth, feel free to PM at anytime. I still have the journal from my first fast so if you have questions about that, I can get those answers for you too. Also, I learned the HARD WAY that you have to break a fast very gently or else you will get that stuffed bloated feeling that you described in your post.

Let me say that before this 30 day fast, I had NEVER successfully completed a fast of any length of time before. But I just prayed each day that He would give me the strength to complete the journey. Some days were harder than others, but I made it.
I have also had trouble with fasting on days that I have to team usually sits together for lunch. But, when it's time for lunch, and I say that I'm just going to my room instead of going to the lounge, all my coworkers start asking if I'm okay, or asking why I'm not eating with them. It's almost as if they're offended! Has anyone else experienced this? Or does anyone have any insight on how to deal with this? I don't really want to tell them that I'm fasting.
I can fast from 6am -6 pm daily just the Daniel Fast was rough for me day one. However, I did get over that hump and the first day is the toughest for me. However, I am doing better now -)
The ladies here have given you excellent advice.

One thing that I found helpful when I was fasting (I did a 30 day fruit/vegetable fast) was that I found a website called "Freedom You" or "Freedom Fasting" and it was encouraging for me to read about other people who were experiencing what I was experiencing. I also kept a journal as well. After a certain point, I wasn't even hungry anymore, but it was just wanting to eat fries because I could smell them, or wanting ice cream because I saw it on a commercial.

Another bit of advice is that fasting is personal. I didn't tell anyone that I was fasting until day 28 of the fast-it was my best friend and he invited me to lunch. I told him that I was fasting that the only thing I would have is an all- fruit smoothie. Guess what he did? We walked to the smoothie shop and he too had a smoothie for lunch because he didn't want to eat in front of me. However, I did have other friends who invited me to lunch or dinner and I would make excuses not to go because I wasn't sure that they would understand why I was fasting or would support me and not try to sabotage me.

I plan on starting a 30 day fast later this month. If you are planning to do a fast and would like a partner to check in with or ask questions and so forth, feel free to PM at anytime. I still have the journal from my first fast so if you have questions about that, I can get those answers for you too. Also, I learned the HARD WAY that you have to break a fast very gently or else you will get that stuffed bloated feeling that you described in your post.

Let me say that before this 30 day fast, I had NEVER successfully completed a fast of any length of time before. But I just prayed each day that He would give me the strength to complete the journey. Some days were harder than others, but I made it.

The bolded is so true make it personal between you and God .
awe. I too have been struggling with fasting. I don't plan to do a 24 hr fast, but I can imagine that all these people around you tempting you can't feel good. I understand the health aspect of your mom saying that some people have hurt themselves by doing it wrong, But as a people of faith we have to know that unless God speaks to us about it, we should be able to fast safely and effectively and come out in good health. So long as you don't have any previous health conditions, you should be fine. I hear that some people experience headache, but other than that, nothing major. mac and cheese is not the type of food that one needs to break into either after fasting off all food. You should gradually make your way back into it by starting with broths and or soft cooked veggies to get your body acclimated back to processing solids. I will pray for you and your fast and just know that God will lead you to the right type of fast. I had a sister in Christ to assure me that fasting comes from God and he will direct you.

Now, about your church fast, it it suppose to be 24 hours a day for a full week. Have you spoken with your pastor to find out if alternatives can be made seeing how this would be your first time fasting for this extended amount of time and on so little fuel?

I deleted message since I had the wrong button to respond. It should have been for initiator.
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Hey everyone. Greetings to everyone on this forum and special blessings to all who are currently fasting. This is kinda long so bear with me.

I'm having a difficult time completing my fast. From since Nov, I had made the decision to do a 21 day Daniel fast on my own. But during the Christmas season I found out that my church regularly does a one week fast the first week of the year (this week). No biggie I thought. Until I got to church this past Sunday and my Pastor announced that it was to be a complete fast starting from midnight Monday until 6 AM Saturday. Pretty much those on medication could fast from 6AM-6PM. We have nightly prayer from 7PM and the culmination of which is on friday from Midnight to 6 AM.

My problem began on Monday (the first day of the fast). I thought I would complete fast from 6-6 and then Daniel fast after that. That was until I ran into my aunt, who church was on a Daniel fast, yet she had went out to lunch with my uncle because she chosen only to fast breakfast and dinner. She then put into my spirit that the fast could be whatever I wanted, however I had already decided how restrictive I wanted to be. I then proceeded, because I was SOOOO hungry to eat several different types of chips, made myself a sandwich, and ate a tangerine. It was only upon going to church that night, talking with my Pastor and believing that God would see me through the week that I decided to do a COMPLETE 24 hour fast (water is allowed) for the week.

Someone must have been praying in addition to me, because yesterday was wonderful! I was not even hungry and I KNOW that was God's favor in order to let me know that I could complete the week. THE PROBLEM IS: My Mother!! She's a Godly woman, who attends another church, I also live with her and my father. She herself has decided to do a Daniel fast, but she is not as supportive of my complete fast. Today she has cooked more food than she usually does on a Sunday (including my favorite), and then asked me to watch the pots while she went on some errands. To add to the temptation she then asked me to add some carrots to one of her dishes so that I would be standing over the pot smelling the food. When I told her I didn't want to, she accused me not wanting to help, instead of recognizing the temptation. She said she made the macaroni for me, and since I was a new faster it was not good for me to jump right in. Needless to say, this spoke into my spirit as well as I proceeded to "sample" the gravy from the chicken as well as help myself to a big serving of macaroni.

Now I don't even want to go to church and it starts in a half an hour! I feel sick from what I ate, and I'm somewhat disappointed that I couldn't last the day at least. I told my mom that she was discouraging me, but she still insisted on telling me stories of other people who fasted wrong for years and messed up their bodies. The thing is, I was really looking for revelations and breakthrough this week, but I really feel like I messed up. So you don't even have to say anything, but if you read this, please pray that God's will be done concerning this fast. I think I am still going to go to church because staying home and being discouraged is exactly where the devil wants me.

Thanks for listening to my rant. Hope all other fasters are finding their strength in the Lord.

God looks at the heart the motives for fasting and praying to him. You have the right motives. Unfortuantely, your mother was used as a temptation however, you can start again. Get up from the setp and look for a comeback. God knows you live with your mother but He allowed this to happen so you can know how to deal with it. Take one day at a time, breathe and stay on the course. If you fall get back up again. This fast is to God and not man. So, God knew all the circumstances surrounding this and how tried to do what was right. Do not be discourage it does happen. I must tell you that you must read scriptures and I would anoint my eyes, stomach, head, mouth and tongue doing a fast so it will help you stay focused. Fasting and praying is journey that takes time but one hour and one day at a time.

Please give your mother the information in the Sticky Section on the correct way to fast and pray. If you fast and pray to God you will never mess up your body. I have been doing this over 20 years and actually saved my life or from me getting sick during a certain season in my life.
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Another bit of advice is that fasting is personal. I didn't tell anyone that I was fasting until day 28 of the fast

The thing is, as much as I can learn from the internet, it was important for me to look to people, such as my mother and other family members for advice because this was my first time fasting and they have more experience. I also look to them for support and prayer, much like I have done with the ladies on this board. With my mom, in particular, she's actually fasting, just not 24 hours. However, I haven't shared this with anyone that I didn't think could help me (like most of my friends). I believe that you shouldn't tell people that you are fasting because if it is used to show how pious or religious you are then you are defeating the point and not pleasing God. But now I see that I should (in the future) stay silent on the matter unless it's really urgent, as to not garner criticism or discouragement from others who don't fully grasp what is going on. I don't want to lose any blessings because I listened to a detractor (no matter how much they love me).

With all of that being said, I resumed my fast last night (Wed) and woke up today completely renewed. I've been learning a lot about the nature of God and how he relates to me and I to him. And I even have a praise report about something I had not even prayed about yet, but was on my list of things I'm praying about throughout the week. Please keep me in your prayers as I have about 30 more hours until the fast breaks. I pray that everyone else who is fasting, find their strength in the Lord as they continue to wait on him. I'll be back after the fast to share any pertinent information. Thanks again for ALL of the support, scripture, prayers, and faith.
I have also had trouble with fasting on days that I have to team usually sits together for lunch. But, when it's time for lunch, and I say that I'm just going to my room instead of going to the lounge, all my coworkers start asking if I'm okay, or asking why I'm not eating with them. It's almost as if they're offended! Has anyone else experienced this? Or does anyone have any insight on how to deal with this? I don't really want to tell them that I'm fasting.

I'm not sure I know the answer to your particular problem, because I have never had to deal with this at least not on a daily basis. But perhaps you can let them know that you are going to your room to have some quiet time or read your bible for this week (or the length of your fast) and you will resume eating lunch with afterward.
The Bible speaks of corporate or personal fast. With personal it is only between you and God and the corporate fast it is OK to talk others about fast as long as they within the confines of fasting circle but it should not be small talk. Married couples and those living with others not fasting may have to discuss this especailly if it is a long fast. Esther did corporate fast with her maid servants and so many others did this when leaders called for this such as Ezra. Fasting and praying as corporate body is very powerful since you have other interceding and helping to encourage you.
I have also had trouble with fasting on days that I have to team usually sits together for lunch. But, when it's time for lunch, and I say that I'm just going to my room instead of going to the lounge, all my coworkers start asking if I'm okay, or asking why I'm not eating with them. It's almost as if they're offended! Has anyone else experienced this? Or does anyone have any insight on how to deal with this? I don't really want to tell them that I'm fasting.

I had this problem in the past and after my fast was over and if the right opportunity present itself I told those that I sometimes consecrate myself to God I may skip lunch to read my bible. My neighbor once wanted me to come to her cook out I told her I was not coming. She then can to my house with barbecue and GOd gave me wisdom on how to handle it. So, when fasting I think it is important that we learn how to handle these situations because they will occur. The enemy will not make it so easy for us that we are not tempting with food and it sometimes very hard but God allows these things to happen for learning lessons since most of us will be fasting for the rest of our lives. Thanks for sharing.
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Well everyone, I made it through my fast in one piece. When I look at where I was just 6 MONTHS ago to now, all I can say is THANK YOU JESUS for keeping me. I never thought I'd say this, but I miss being on the fast. It just felt like for the first time in my adult life that I took my walk with the Lord seriously. I honestly (and I told my pastor this) couldn't wait to go to church to have to opportunity to pray with everyone else. Right now, I'm praying that this zeal does not go away. I just want to be so close to God, like right up in his armpit :grin: (that's really how I feel). I want to have His mind, and have His sight. I want to no longer speak words idly, but recognize the power that is in every thing I say. OK, it's too much for this post, so I'll stop.

My praise report is... I have medical insurance now! Upon my college graduation last Fall, my father's insurance company kicked me off and the jobs I've had since then, have all been part-time and didn't offer it. My only hope was to wait until August when law school started to try an get insurance from the school. I'm not a sickly person, but I do have very specific medical needs and I'd been putting off "mandatory" check ups, follow-ups, and referrals, because I didn't have the money to pay for all the specialists as well as prescriptions. All of that changed when my father found a loophole, that somehow wasn't there or apparent last year, and he was able to make a case to put me back on his plan, retroactively effective January 1, 2009! :grin: I hadn't even BEGUN to pray about this (only written it down) when my father gave me the news.

And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Matt 7:7

Thank you Jesus (for this and SO much more)!
I just started fasting today. Im doing a 10 day fast and I want to hold on for that long. I pray that I accomplish it and I'm happy you accomplish your fasting.
I'd like to share this piece as food for pun intended and no condemnation on my part:

Question: Is it a sin to break a fast prematurely?
Answer: If we define sin as 'to fall short of the glory of God,' then I suppose we could say that you have sinned if you break your fast before you had intended to. Furthermore, Psalms 15:4 says that God honors the man who 'swears to his own hurt and does not change.' And Ecclesiastes 5:5 says that it is 'better not to vow than to vow and not pay.'

These verses are telling us that when we say either to God or another person that we will fast for a particular period of time (make a vow) and then break the fast before that time is up, we have failed to keep our word. We have said we will do something and then not done it. The sin is not so much the premature breaking of the fast; it is the failure to keep your word. Jesus said, 'But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No.'' (Matthew 5:37). In other words, mean what you say. If you say you will do something, then do it.

Having said this, we believe it is also important to realize that we often learn alot about ourselves through our failures. When we intend to fast for three days but break it half way through, we come face to face with the stark reality of our own human weakness. Rather than condemning ourselves as hopeless failures, we need to take our failures to God and ask for forgiveness and strength.

In Psalms 35:13 David said, 'I humbled myself with fasting.' Sometimes our failure to fast can be humbling as well. This is not to excuse the failure to keep your word or a lack of self-control. But it is to say that the ultimate purpose of fasting is to help us to become more cognizant of our weak humanity so that we might be more humble before the Lord and more dependent on His power. This can come by fasting just as we intend, but it can also come by our failure to fast as we intend. God can work ALL THINGS together for good!
Thanks for posting this as we get ready to start the 21 day fast in January.:yep: I am sitting here chuckling b/c my first several attempts at fasting all ended as failures in the sense that I broke them before the end dates. As a matter of fact my first fast (which would've lasted 3 days) was over before lunch the first day:rolleyes::blush::lachen:! Whew! I learned so much about keeping my word and the true purpose of a fast- letting God know I am willing and able to relinquish some of my favs in order to spend quality time hearing from and speaking to Him:up:. Thank God for him really looking at our hearts and for his incredible patience towards us!