Strong or Light Protein Treatment Needed?!


New Member
How could you figure out if your hair needs that aphogee serious care treatment. I used it when I first got on this site...and it did WONDERS but I don't know if my hair needs that much protein anymore. I don't know if it's in that bad of shape anymore... lol maybe I'm just doing too much to my hair... I get hair bored lool I think I jsut need an excuse to play and make love with my hair :lachen:
How could you figure out if your hair needs that aphogee serious care treatment. I used it when I first got on this site...and it did WONDERS but I don't know if my hair needs that much protein anymore. I don't know if it's in that bad of shape anymore... lol maybe I'm just doing too much to my hair... I get hair bored lol I think I just need an excuse to play and make love with my hair :lachen:

Lol, you're funny. I do this too :look::grin:

I know my hair needs Aphogee when it seems like it doesn't maintain moisture as long as it usually does. Let's say you usually moisturize every 3 days or so, but now you have to moisturize EVERYDAY...that should be something you would look at.

Also, my hair got really gummy and soft and mushy while wet, and was breaking more than usual when it was dry.

All of these "symptoms" happen all at the same time when I need protein, so make sure you really evaluate your hair to make sure it actually needs the protein. I also see if this persists for about a week or so before doing anything. (I say this cuz sometimes my hair would just act crazy and start breaking but NOT be mushy, and all I need to do is clarify or something). I hope this helps!

Oh, and also start light if you're not sure. I'd start with a light protein, and if the "symptoms" don't subsist, then move to a moderate protein. I'd use Aphogee as last resort. I've never overloaded on protein, but I heard it is not fun :nono:

FYI: My hair loooves protein and I have medium/coarse strands. Just letting you know cuz it may be more helpful hearing from someone who has the same hair type as you.
I used hard core Aphogee for about a year until I switched to the light treatment. I can't explain it, it's just that my hair felt worse after using it. My hair wasn't breaking like crazy anymore.

I started a post about it. It was like outgrowing clothes when you're a kid. I'd say use it again, and if it feels like it does more harm than good switch to the light one.
Protein is like glue so if you overdo it, it is much harder to chip off the extra. If you feel you need protein try a milder version first, if that doesn't do it then move up in strength.
well ppl recommend the aphogee once every 6-8 weeks... but if ur hair doesnt need it (no breakage or sheddin) then skip it and jus do the light protein. i do the strong once every 2-3 months. but i do the light every 2-3 weeks because i moisturize my hair to the MAX lol.