Stretchy Gummy Hair After Relaxing.. Help.. What To Do?

Melissa Neal

New Member
I'm kind of new to this website so I hope I'm doing this right.. that being said, I recently started relaxing my hair and I'm fearing that I'm doing everything absolutely wrong and I don't want my hair to fall out!

Before I was relaxed, I straightened my hair once a week and my hair couldn't take it and started to break off and after relaxing my hair it has been 100% better so I honestly don't want to stop relaxing. It looks healthier, shinier and all that good stuff and it stays straight so i barely ever have to touch it with a straightener. I usually only blow-dry it.
The back of my hair however the last time I relaxed it was extremely stretchy when wet. So stretchy that I stretched it all the way until it stretched away from itself and I was holding the hair in my hand. I wanted to cry. Once it air dried, I blow dried my hair and it "looked" extremely thick and healthy and beautiful BUT because of the stretchy, gummy when wet thing, I know its not too good.
That was about a 3 months ago. I put it directly into a weave after relaxing which I'm just finding out probably was a bad idea. I did research and I know its lacking protein so today I ordered the Mizani Kerafuse Intensive Protein Treatment along with the Hydrafuse Intensive Moisturizing Treatment because I heard a lot of great reviews about them.
Once I took my hair out the weave about a month ago it was shedding but nothing scary. Just normal weave shedding. I put my hair directly back into another weave without relaxing because I was scared of relaxing again without the protein treatment. Now my hair is in a weave and I'm getting another weave done today because its time and the protein treatments haven't arrived in the mail yet... My hair is extremely thick and course and probably has about an inch of new growth. I can't stretch my relaxers for too long because the two textures between straight, and course causes my hair to snap if handled too much.

So my question is after its time to take my new weave out, should I do the protein treatment before or after relaxing my new growth? Also what can I do from here on out to save my hair? I'm doing so much wrong I think. My hair does really great in weaves that's when I get the most growth but I'm desperate for help.