Stretching - WHY


New Member
I know I am a newbied so I tried to do a search before asking this question but I didn't find a clear answer. I noticed in a previous thread that a lot of people felt that stretching the time between relaxers increased growth, health, etc. Why is that? It would seem that stretching would be contrary to increased growth.
Actually there are many threads that explain why and they all basically say that stretching gives your hair a chance to grow because you will have more (longer) new growth. So when you finally relax, you will not overlap the way you can when you have a shorter amount of new growth. It's easier to relax an inch of ng with no overlap than it is to relax 1/4 inch of ng. You also relax your hair fewere times a year. so less chemicals and less overlap mean your hair stays stronger because overlapping causes breakdown of the hair leading to damage. Stretching does not increase growth. It may just help you keep the growth you have.