Stretching relaxer time.....HELP!!!


New Member
I am approaching week 6 post relaxer! But it's starting to get hard to deal with my roots. (I am trying to stretch my relaxer for the first time, I usually relax at week 5 or 6).

I have been conditioning washing my hair every 2-3 days, and wearing protective styles. Mostly "assisted buns", hair up in a clip with the ends tucked under. This week I'm in a braid out for the first time since I started this personal challenge and have my hair pinned up, I've been getting lots of compliments despite the fact that my "kitchen" is a mess!!

I just wanted to get some ideas from you ladies on how to deal with my 4a/b/c....g

My goal is to get to at least 8 weeks, possibly 10.

Please give any advice you have whatsoever.

I personally dont 'try' to conceal my new growth as its just pointless. I tend to air dry my hair in bantu knots and dont take them out, I just choose protective styles that I cannot manipulate which I dont mind wearing out.
Thanks, lonei.

I don't care as much as I used to about concealing the new growth. I just need to be able to soften the new growth more.
I feel your pain girl! I plan to not use any heat for one month after I take my braids out and I know once the new growth starts to come in I will be just like you. Heat was always my solution to my hard-to-deal-with new growth!
What a challenge. Good luck.
I lasted 9 weeks for the first time ever. I did it by either bunning my hair using DSD's method for making a bun, braid outs and using flexi-rods for a curly set. I would part my hair with the end of a rat-tail comb and apply moisturizer directly to the new growth.

I gave up on trying to straighten it around week 6.
I'm in week 18 and will hit 19 by weeks end. I'm so proud of my lil' self!
Please overlook my little melt down @ the end of last week
. I can last at least another 3 weeks, I can, I can!
I think it's managable for me b/c a.) I'm texturized, so it's blending and b.) I'm wearing air dry styles, twist-outs, which I keep clipped/pinned up (hair in front is loose and held back w/a stretch headband thingy). Since I'm twisting, it flattens the roots out, so the textures are matching. I'm shrinking like nobody's business, but it's all good. When I post my update pics you'll are going to be like

I only wash every 3 days, so if you can go 3-4 days it may help. You won't have to confront it as much. When your hair is wet tie your parameters up immediately. Get them moisturized, brush lightly and then fold your silk/satin scarf into a headband shape and tie it down. Oh yeah, the other thing I do is braid the back instead of twisting. My hair always wants to straighten, so by day 2 my back isn't look 'textured' anymore like the front. The crinkle from the braid is deep and stays longer. It also controls the hair alot more than the twists. And since it's always up I don't look crazy
For me the problem is finding styles that I can wear to work.

Do you ladies stop combing through to the roots at some point? I feel when I comb through I'm pulling my hair out, unless I'm in the shower using a shower comb. Am I doing soemthing wrong? What products do you use to soften the new growth??
How are you wearing your hair now? I don't use heat, so I have to style in a way that make the textures blend. I work in a professional environment, so I don't wear my twist-outs down (not that I wouldn't) but it's not shaped or long enough for me to wear it 'out'. So I wear the back in french twist, leaving the front and crown loose. I then pin it loosely so it isn't flopping around & looks more professional.

I only comb my hair when it's wet w/conditioner in it or under the stream of water as I'm rinsing, so it's all nice and soft. I only use fingers, and I keep them away from the roots (well, I never pull through from root to tip). I haven't found the magic softening product, I don't use anything different on my roots than the rest of my hair. I try to keep it all well hydrated.

Amazing!! I actually wore my hair like you on Monday and Tuesday, braid out in a french twist due to the fact that it just doesn't look good out yet, at least not for work. It rained though over the last few days, that style does not last very well in the rain though.

Today I have my hair pulled back in a ponytail. I cover the edges as soon as I get out of the shower so that it layes down.

I'm going to try to wear it in the braid out again this week.
Well, maybe you can stick w/this. It's the ONLY reason I've gotten by this long! I've found that it looks better if I re-twist/braid the night that I take it down anyway. It's more crisp and I only have to make 5 braids, the rest is up, so who cares. By day three it still looks presentable, I go to the gym sweat, wash and start over. My shedding varies, but isn't much and I know I'm handling that new growth when it's at it's softess and most aggreable stage.

I can't even do the ponytail or bun. Well, if I do a bun it has to sit on the crown of my head. But I typicallly try to avoid it
RabiaElaine said:
I am approaching week 6 post relaxer! But it's starting to get hard to deal with my roots. (I am trying to stretch my relaxer for the first time, I usually relax at week 5 or 6).

I have been conditioning washing my hair every 2-3 days, and wearing protective styles. Mostly "assisted buns", hair up in a clip with the ends tucked under. This week I'm in a braid out for the first time since I started this personal challenge and have my hair pinned up, I've been getting lots of compliments despite the fact that my "kitchen" is a mess!!

I just wanted to get some ideas from you ladies on how to deal with my 4a/b/c....g

My goal is to get to at least 8 weeks, possibly 10.

Please give any advice you have whatsoever.


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Wash your hair in sections that will help with the detangling and try warming some cholersterol conditioner which should help with giving your new growth softness
i always straighten mt unruly roots and that gives it that relaxed effect. either that, or i get some extensions.