Stretching... knoing when enough is enough


New Member
I have 27 days left until my 3 month stretch is over but i think my hair has reached the point where it cant take it anymore i am at the point where nothing looks right braidouts, buns, braids, NOTHING!!!!
But i feel if i stop now i defeated my purpose of stretching i have been using mn and i got 2.5 inches within this stretch but i cant take it anymore but i wanna continue the stretch
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What you should do is listen to your hair. Base your stretch on the condition and manageability of your hair and amount of new growth, rather than according to a calendar. Some ladies can stretch 6 months no problem, others like myself, make 10-12 weeks BARELY.

If your hair is begging to be retouched, then do it, keep records of this stretch and see if you can gradually increase it next time if longer stretches is your goal. The longer you do it, the more you learn what works for your hair (styling methods and products) and you may find a combination that enables to you go longer, if not, it's ok too.

What do you don't want to happen is to suffer a setback. :nono: Any stretch that doesn't involve breakage and shedding is a success!

Hope that helps! Be encouraged and always listen to what works for YOUR HAIR. :yep:

What you should do is listen to your hair. Base your stretch on the condition and manageability of your hair and amount of new growth, rather than according to a calendar. Some ladies can stretch 6 months no problem, others like myself, make 10-12 weeks BARELY.

If your hair is begging to be retouched, then do it, keep records of this stretch and see if you can gradually increase it next time if longer stretches is your goal. The longer you do it, the more you learn what works for your hair (styling methods and products) and you may find a combination that enables to you go longer, if not, it's ok too.

What do you don't want to happen is to suffer a setback. :nono: Any stretch that doesn't involve breakage and shedding is a success!

Hope that helps! Be encouraged and always listen to what works for YOUR HAIR. :yep:


Great advice.:yep:
I had a hard few weeks last time I stretched.:sad: I was already underprocessed and trying to reach my roots was getting to be ridiculous. Any style I did looked funny because I had puffy, thick roots.:nono:
Cashier=Wow, that's all your hair?
Me=Oh, yes...
Cashier-It's so thick, you ever thought about flat ironing it? It'd probably be even longer
MInd you it was flat ironed
Me-Well I'm stretching, and ...........
Cashier-It's pretty, just sooo thick.
In a half defense I had flat ironed most of it but the bit at the front b/c I didnt want to be late for class.:wallbash:
What you should do is listen to your hair. Base your stretch on the condition and manageability of your hair and amount of new growth, rather than according to a calendar. Some ladies can stretch 6 months no problem, others like myself, make 10-12 weeks BARELY.

If your hair is begging to be retouched, then do it, keep records of this stretch and see if you can gradually increase it next time if longer stretches is your goal. The longer you do it, the more you learn what works for your hair (styling methods and products) and you may find a combination that enables to you go longer, if not, it's ok too.

What do you don't want to happen is to suffer a setback. :nono: Any stretch that doesn't involve breakage and shedding is a success!

Hope that helps! Be encouraged and always listen to what works for YOUR HAIR. :yep:


^^^^Everything she said!!!!

Just listen to YOUR hair and don't get caught up on time too much. Sometimes I can to 12 weeks without batting an eye...other times like now, I am knocking on 8 and its killing me.
I agree with everything the ladies said. I for one, may be what you call a super stretcher. I usually try to go 6 months, but this time around I just couldn't make it. I relaxed at 18 weeks.
What you should do is listen to your hair. Base your stretch on the condition and manageability of your hair and amount of new growth, rather than according to a calendar. Some ladies can stretch 6 months no problem, others like myself, make 10-12 weeks BARELY.

If your hair is begging to be retouched, then do it, keep records of this stretch and see if you can gradually increase it next time if longer stretches is your goal. The longer you do it, the more you learn what works for your hair (styling methods and products) and you may find a combination that enables to you go longer, if not, it's ok too.

What do you don't want to happen is to suffer a setback. :nono: Any stretch that doesn't involve breakage and shedding is a success!

Hope that helps! Be encouraged and always listen to what works for YOUR HAIR. :yep:

Excellent advice LaNecia, very well said. I will use them for future reference myself :yep:. I'm gonna try my hand at stretching in the future, wearing french braids now. Years ago my mom used to tell me I waited too long to perm my hair, maybe a bit much for her to handle (thick lengthy hair). Yet I remember my hair being it's healthiest, grew longer etc. Guess I was stretching and didn't know it. I too am a lot like yourself and the OP, lucky if I can get 10 or 12 weeks. Stretching may be a difficult and requires patients threw some ugly days :nono:, but the results are rewarding and down right beautiful :yep:.
I also fully agree w/LaNecia. Listen to your hair. When I first started stretching it was 4 mos (never was a 6-weeker), then 4.5, then 5, etc to now I'll be 8 months on Sunday and actually unofficially trying to transition.