Stretching hair inefficient.

Kurly K

New Member
:ohwell: Ok so i stretched my hair to kind of check the growth but i realized its not an efficient way to track growth because i dont know if its the same area or piece of hair. how do u keep track of which piece u use to check growth and what if that piece is just longer?? i was looking in my fotki and my last month stretches and i dont think this is an efficient way totrack growth. idk. pics in fotki***
Meh, it's not the most accurate. I haven't figured out a way to make it accurate enough for regular progress shots, which is one of the reasons I've slowed down on taking them - it's so frustrating to not be able to capture the growth on camera......
Meh, it's not the most accurate. I haven't figured out a way to make it accurate enough for regular progress shots, which is one of the reasons I've slowed down on taking them - it's so frustrating to not be able to capture the growth on camera......
I agree and I still havent dyed my patch yet. I really dont want to be pressing my hair every time just to see growth.
Precisely. And I don't use heat, at all, so that's not even an option for me.

I have a ruler but its not very accurate either. When my hair was very short I used "milestones" like ok now I can put it in a ponytail, now I can pull my hair to my nose, my ponytail is touching the back of my neck.... etc...

The only way I can get an accurate length check is to use heat. In this heat who the hell wants to do that.

Oh and taking monthly pictures in the same outfit, same position helps too.
I started my journey with a jacked-up nape area, so strectching the nape hair (like most people do to show that they are apl) is misleading for my head because my sides and top are much longer. :ohwell: And it takes much longer for the sides/front to reach APL than the back - maybe this is why I feel like I've been at collarbone length FOREVER! :spinning:
I have a ruler but its not very accurate either. When my hair was very short I used "milestones" like ok now I can put it in a ponytail, now I can pull my hair to my nose, my ponytail is touching the back of my neck.... etc...

The only way I can get an accurate length check is to use heat. In this heat who the hell wants to do that.

Oh and taking monthly pictures in the same outfit, same position helps too.

yea i do trie milestones guess its hard because i havent really met any really close to a ponytail tho..but not one id actually wear lol
well, when i do stretch shots i look at my previous shot to make sure i grab the same amount/patch of hair.


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    front legnth jan 08 vs apr 08.jpg
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I guess the way I measure mine is a little crazy. I take various pieces all around my head and measure. I just remember what areas were what lengths and kind of go from there. I always make sure I measure the same spot in the front though.

I'm not doing the heat thing either, at least not for awhile.