Stretching 6 months Ruined My Hair!


Well-Known Member
Note that I said MY hair. I just want to caution all of the stretchers that long stretches if you are planning to relax again just might not be for you. With all of the detangling that you have to do, there will definitely be hair lost and breakage even with washing just once a week. I bunned, moisturized, deep cond, protein treatment, low manipulation and still did not have good results. I'm starting over now with this hair journey and I'm going to take DLewis advice and "leave Ms Hair Alone". From now going forth I will NEVER past 12 wks post. If my hair says relax me at 11 wks, that's what I will get the picture. I will listen to my hair. My hair is in a side bun this week and this morning I took my scarf off and did not touch her. I will say that I did a good job self relaxing and lost NO hair during the process.:yep: The proof is in a post I did earlier "Fell off 6 month stretch".
I'm in the same boat... our hairs are quite rebellious. Stretching ain't for me either. The tangles are just not worth it.

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I try to caution people about stretching. It's just not for everyone for different reasons. Unfortunately you have to try it out to figure that out. For some of us, that result in major set back.
Awww sorry to hear that... :(

I just came off a 8 month stretch and I had no problems... I was hoping I didn't have any issues...
I just came off of my longest stretch last night in fact. Almost 25 wks. I kept stalling on doing my touch up week after week but it finally got to the point where I realized I'm just not one of those who would have an easy chopless transition and if I intended to go natural, I'd have to put my big girl panties on and BC to do it. Avoiding hair loss at the demarcation line was just too much for me and my lack of talents (and funds to do things like get it flat ironed/pressed and such to preserve). I was loosing all that I'd gained during my 24 wks and I realized I was at the point that I needed to make a decision. So, I did my touch up. And I didn't have any hesitation or second thoughts like the weeks before so I made the right decision for me. I think I will shoot for my touch ups at around 14 wks but never will I go past 20 wks again. One day, when I'm ready to say good by to length and hello to a BC then I will do it but that time is not now.
I just came off of my longest stretch last night in fact. Almost 25 wks. I kept stalling on doing my touch up week after week but it finally got to the point where I realized I'm just not one of those who would have an easy chopless transition and if I intended to go natural, I'd have to put my big girl panties on and BC to do it. Avoiding hair loss at the demarcation line was just too much for me and my lack of talents (and funds to do things like get it flat ironed/pressed and such to preserve). I was loosing all that I'd gained during my 24 wks and I realized I was at the point that I needed to make a decision. So, I did my touch up. And I didn't have any hesitation or second thoughts like the weeks before so I made the right decision for me. I think I will shoot for my touch ups at around 14 wks but never will I go past 20 wks again. One day, when I'm ready to say good by to length and hello to a BC then I will do it but that time is not now.

This is so me. Type 4b hair is no joke. You couldn't have put it better!
I try to caution people about stretching. It's just not for everyone for different reasons. Unfortunately you have to try it out to figure that out. For some of us, that result in major set back.

I agree. I never stretched longer than 4 months (I was trying to transition) but I see a LOT of people that usually have consistent growth stretch 6+ months just to see the before and after and their hair didn't retain, they lost length, or now have thinning hair. But you know, live and learn.
Ugh. I'm 37 wks post and SO ready to relax after my 3rd detangling nightmare. I'm planning to texlax this weekend. We shall see if this stretching bit was worth it. I've never stretched beyond 14 wks so.... :pray:
My signature shows my results of my first 4 month stretch (I usually do not exceed 12 weeks). It only took one time for me to realize that stretching beyond 12 weeks is NOT for me. I don't want to risk losing progress again. I learned a lot about what to do and not do, but I'm going to use that knowledge to help with the 12 week stretch...never again beyond that. My hair thinned out badly and the length was no different than 12 weeks (just thinner hair), so will not attempt that again. I'll admit that I don't have the patience nor the know-how.
Aww I'm sorry about that. I am on of those people that can stretch over a year and not have any problems. But I know I have to be extra vigilant about my hair and detangling during this time so I feel like it's all in technique. Then again everything isn't for everybody. So do what works best for you and your hair.
I'm considering doing a 6 month stretch. The longest one I did was 4 months and I had great results (it took me over the NL-SL hump). But this thread is making me think twice lol
So sorry about your hair OP! ITA w/ you. Stretching is not for me. 12 weeks is my absolute limit. I start assessing at the 9wk mark.....I try to listen to my hair. I am also 4b.

I think the best way to stretch 4B hair is to be in some protective style that does not require manipulation(weaves, braids, cornrows, crochets, etc).

IA if I ever go natural, I will just chop it all off, cause I definitely could not see a long term transition being beneficial for me.
aww...sorry. yeah strteching isnt't for eveyone..(actually I think it is but the patience & demand is high lol).
U mentioned in other thread you've been the same length for two years. You are definitely not retaining. Problem is your ends. breakage. from what? Once you figure that out then it'll get much better.
I feel you on this. My hair is very fine, and tends to clump in its natural state. Since I don't do heat at all, stretching just does not work for me. The hair loss is just not worth it. Unfortunately it has taken me several inches and several set-backs to realize what an impact it has had on my hair.

BTW, I am 3C and 4A.
Maybe it just depends on the hair type. A stretch is nothing more than a transition that doesn't transition all the way. I'm a 3c/4a. I've transitioned for two years without BC and never had an issue and I just transitioned for the second and last time for 20 months. There may be times when detangling is a pain but I never had any breakage at the line of demarkation. But everybody is different. Maybe the breakge issue increases depending on how much difference in texture there is between the relaxed hair and the natural hair.
I'm currently about 46 weeks post, and I got 2-3 inches trimmed off a month ago, just cause I hadn't had a trim in about a year. I have noticed some breakage, but nothing drastic, and really think that you have to be vigilant when you are doing a long stretch. I notice that most people haven't posted their regimens, but I guess the OP wasn't asking for that. I have found that weekly DCing has helped a lot. It melted my newgrowth. If you are not DCing you are robbing your hair. On an off week when I rushed on my wash day and did not DC I felt the difference throughout the week, and I couldn't wait for wash day to come back around. I agree that long stretches may not be for everyone, but I think that you are in the best position when you prepare yourself for what you are going to get into by understanding that your natural hair is going to have different needs than your relaxed hair.
I have had major damages the two times I have tried to stretch for 4 months but I'm not sure if it's due to stretching or the cornrows I was doing. The major knotting issue I had was due to taking down 6 weeks cornrows. Also my relaxed hair seems to be the issue not the new growth. This is a costly learning process since my hair is shorter than when I started this long healthy hair journey. I'm taking it in stride though since I know it will grow back. Unfortunately none of the growth aids (sulphur, vitamins, ayurveda, etc) seems to be working for me so I can't even speed up the grow-back process.

I plan to relax in two weeks and I will stretch again for 3-4 months but this time without braiding my hair. Hopefully there will be less breakage.
I know this weekend if my stretching caused damage or not. I will be 6 months on Sunday and plan to relax.
I dont believe stretching is for me either :nono: . I have difficulties at about 8 weeks I cant imagine doing months and months. I have thick strands and they are dense so its just like omg. Maybe if I ever decide to give braids or weave a whirl I will attempt it.
I usually don't stretch longer than 8 weeks. After that point, I have to be much more diligent with my haircare...and I don't always feel like doing that. :look:

Right now, I am on week 7 of a "possible" 18-week stretch. However, if my 4b new growth decides to pick a fight with my texlaxed ends, I will touchup sooner. :yep:
My signature shows my results of my first 4 month stretch (I usually do not exceed 12 weeks). It only took one time for me to realize that stretching beyond 12 weeks is NOT for me. I don't want to risk losing progress again. I learned a lot about what to do and not do, but I'm going to use that knowledge to help with the 12 week stretch...never again beyond that. My hair thinned out badly and the length was no different than 12 weeks (just thinner hair), so will not attempt that again. I'll admit that I don't have the patience nor the know-how.

Same here!
I'm a mix of 3c/4a with mostly 4a all where it counts (the back). I also use no heat so that 24 wk stretch was a real issue. Being a no heat user, I have absolutely no flat ironing skills, don't own a dome dryer, don't know how to straighten with a blow dryer or even a curling iron for that matter. I can't afford weekly or even monthly trips to the salon to get my roots straightened and lets just say the area I live in is not known for it's Black hair care salons. I'd have absolutely no issues with the front and sides of my hair but lawdy, the back was a different story all together! I could get the front to cooperate easy and the comb would glide thru like butter but the back would dang near rip the detanging comb out of my hands and send it flying across the room. It got very frustrating dealing with THREE different textures at one time. 3c, 4a and relaxed and the relaxed (as in length and thickness) was losing big time. My hair is poufy and uneven from airdrying after my touch up last night and I know it's not as fully straight as with a flat iron but I'm really disappointed in what this stretch did...Or didn't do but I'm glad I did it because I don't have to wonder anymore. Now I know that when I'm ready to transition that I'll have to say goodbye to my relaxed length sooner than later.
So sorry about your hair OP! ITA w/ you. Stretching is not for me. 12 weeks is my absolute limit. I start assessing at the 9wk mark.....I try to listen to my hair. I am also 4b.

I think the best way to stretch 4B hair is to be in some protective style that does not require manipulation(weaves, braids, cornrows, crochets, etc).

IA if I ever go natural, I will just chop it all off, cause I definitely could not see a long term transition being beneficial for me.

This is my exact plan. To assess from here on out. I should have known the amount of hair that I would lose detangling would not end in good results. I have spent up to 2 hrs detangling, taking my time being really careful and would still lose more hair than I cared to.
Wow Goodzooki! Your post made me laugh but I feel you. My thing is, I walked around for 6 months with a rag a muffin head tore up from the floor up with beady beads for it to end like this. I promise this will NOT happen again.
I really think the hair type plays a huge part in stretching. The 2 textures are at war for me. The picture in my avatar is still where my hair is today if I grab it and pull it minus the thickness. I have had trims in between. I had a real trim in Oct done by an old stylist that i used to go to.
I'm currently about 46 weeks post, and I got 2-3 inches trimmed off a month ago, just cause I hadn't had a trim in about a year. I have noticed some breakage, but nothing drastic, and really think that you have to be vigilant when you are doing a long stretch. I notice that most people haven't posted their regimens, but I guess the OP wasn't asking for that. I have found that weekly DCing has helped a lot. It melted my newgrowth. If you are not DCing you are robbing your hair. On an off week when I rushed on my wash day and did not DC I felt the difference throughout the week, and I couldn't wait for wash day to come back around. I agree that long stretches may not be for everyone, but I think that you are in the best position when you prepare yourself for what you are going to get into by understanding that your natural hair is going to have different needs than your relaxed hair.

I was on point with my regimen. I ALWAYS deep cond weekly and sometimes twice a week with heat for at least 30 min. Sometimes I would apply cond to dry hair on Friday nights with vatika oil in it. I would moisturize the ng and ends with oil during week, or Mizani H2, or Jane Carter nourish and shine. I would finger comb it into a bun never combing dry hair. I never rush when doing my hair. I always rollerset (this could be the culprit). Deep into the stretch I flat ironed roots only or blowout roots only with the brush or would do nothing to the roots. My nightmare would always begin once I start detangling my hair to rollerset my hair. I would use Rusk Smoother, Lacio Lacio and Mizani thermal smooth and water with very little setting lotion in it. Bliss if I was going to flat iron the roots. Now what's a girl to do. I welcome all suggestions.
Sorry this happened to you!

This has happened to me when I used to relax/texlax. I used to think I could strech like many other could, However this was not the case for me. The differences in the two textures were too much for my hair to handle.

It's good that you post this so that others can take heed and do what is best for them.
Sorry this happened to you OP! I can only stretch using braids, cornrows or something like that coz I have fine 4b strands. That's the only way I've been successful.