Stretchers: What helps the most.

What helps a lot?

  • Deep Conditioning frequently.

    Votes: 44 25.3%
  • Detangling frequently.

    Votes: 8 4.6%
  • Pre pooing.

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Low Manipulation.

    Votes: 33 19.0%
  • Protective Styles.

    Votes: 25 14.4%
  • Correct Moisture/Protein Balance.

    Votes: 14 8.0%
  • Heat usage.

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Moisturizing Daily/Frequently.

    Votes: 27 15.5%
  • Hot oil treatments.

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Other.

    Votes: 11 6.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Stretching for me is a combo, low manipulation (braidouts if my hair is down), protective styles are key to NO manipulation which is even better, and CO washes are a God send for keeping the moisture and detangling.
I chose deep conditioning, I agree with a couple of those things you've got up there but deep conditioning does it for me because my hair get's really dry and crisp if I don't.
I stretch my relaxer every six months and there are many things that help:

1)No direct heat only use a blow dryer to dry my hair 80% (once a week)
2)Deep condition at least twice a week
3)Damp bunning with phony pony tail
4)Combing hair at least once a week with my seamless combs
5)Moisturize my hair when needed(sometimes twice a day)
6)Shampoo my hair to get rid of product buildup(hair gel)
7)Stay with the same hair products( I am no longer a junkie, too much time and effort)
detangling moisturizing conditioner, the best that i've used thus far during long stretches is silk elements moisturizing conditioner it detangles my hair like no other makes it very easy to stretch.
I wash blow dry and flat iron normally weekly and my hair always looks freshly relaxed even when i'm 8 months post. but it's all in finding good conditioners once hair is detangled well everything else is easy.

@Bolded, that is some good stuff! :yep:
I found out as I get deeper in my stretch quality product must be used the cheapies has to take a back seat.
The right conditioner is a must when co washing and deep conditioning I have to use more expensive products for my hair.

Wearing protective styles,less combing and making sure hair is moisturized is key for me.
For me it's a combination of things... low manipulation, wkly deep conditioning, only combing/detangling on wash days 1x a wk, and keeping my new growth moisturized to reduce breakage at the demarcation line. My longest stretch so far was 20 wks, right now I'm 14 wks into a 24 wk stretch...

How often do you use pretein treatments during your stretch? How to use prevent underprocessing when you finally relax?
I'm 25 weeks into a 26 week stretch. This will be my longest stretch. The last one was 16 weeks. Prepooing has really helped keep my ng soft and manageable. But I also dc with heat every week, do light protein treatments every other week, use no direct heat, and PS most of the time. I think a combination of these things has helped me stretch with virtually no extra breakage.
For me, protective styling and no manipulation hair styles are a must for me. I couldn't get any deeper into my stretch without these.
IK I posted earlier in this thread, but came back in to say, incorporating a Weekly Reconstructor or Light Protein Treatment has kept my hair and NG Strong.:yep:
I chose other because I do a mixture of techniques to have a successful stretch. The longest I've gone has been 14- 15 weeks, but I'm attempting a 26 week stretch (yikes!)

What helps me stretch:
1. moisturizing deep condition w/ heat 30 mins. 2x week
2. light protein condition 1x week (Aphogee 2 min reconstructor because it softens & adds protein. This is important as I am protein sensitive)
3. keep NG moisturized w/ a product that makes it easy to comb thru & detangle (new love= Hawaiian silky 14n 1: don't care that it has mineral oil in it)
4. protective styling
5. tying NG down with a scarf to flatten it so the roots aren't puff city
6. staying on top of the moisturizing & sealing
Longest I've gone was 4 months, I'm trying to stretch to 4.5/5 months this time and keep on increasing the stretching rate after each time I relax. What helps me is:

- PURE moisture (This is a must to keep my hair as soft and tangle free as possible, so I don't use anything with protein in it when I'm around 3+ months post. I put the protein back in once I'm relaxed since my hair is more porous then anyway.)

- Using oil to detangle new growth (Lavender Oil with a big tooth comb work wonders on detangling the roots.)

- Low manipulation and protective covering for sleeping (I don't practice this as much as I should but bunning your hair everyday instead of leaving it down when going out and putting a scarf, net, or some type of covering for when you sleep helps to protect the hair from unnecessary breakage. This helps me versus when I leave my hair down everyday, wrap it up every night, then take it down again for the next day. Bunning at least allows me to have a style I can wear outside the house then still keep my hair in the same bun to tie a net around for the night time. The next day I just take off the net, keep my neat bun the same, and repeat the process until I'm ready to wash.)

- No itching (When my hair is growing I get ferocious itching and that definitely causes breakage. It also causes sores that will BURN when relaxing. Try to restrain yourself from itching or use something like Tea Tree Oil to soothe the scalp.)

That's all I can think of for now but these are the general things that help when stretching.
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I am a long term transitioner and several of the items you mentioned have helped ease this process. I prepoo with conditioner and coconut oil. I deep condition under steam weekly. I moisturize with a spritz or leave in daily. I finger detangle new growth, wash/condition/hair in braids, and cowash once weekly. I sleep with a satin scarf and wear protective styles. I plan on doing the same thing once I cut all the relaxed ends in 6 months.
Deep conditioning with my steamer at least once per week, adding a detangling step to my wash routine and wearing a satin scarf on my head when I go to bed.
I'm 16 weeks post today and am going to relax sometime this weekend, woohoo! Low Manipulation/Protective Styles are a must for me when stretching. I DC 2x per week, was 1x per week, and moisturize and seal nightly (sometimes in the morning as well). Also, it's best to finger comb and hide your ends...basically just leave your hair alone unless it's necessary to touch it.
It definitely is a combination of what's listed, but what helps me the MOST would be low manipulation. I stop rollersetting after about week 8 or 9, I might wear my hair out on the weekend but then Mon through Wed I'm protective styling, Thurs and Fri I'm in a braidout (sometimes) and Saturday I start the process all over again. Low to no manipulation is key.

And also for me I have to use a weekly protein/reconstructor because I need the line of demarcation strong. If I only focus on moisture my hair will break off. I've recently added cassia treatments to my regimen and this has really helped as well keeping my hair strong.
Im not going to vote because I would say about 3/4th of the ideas listed are important, low manipulation being number one, but you can't forget to DC and moisturize, because the new growth is much tougher, coarser and drier than the rest of the relaxed hair, then you want to protect what you've just moisturized.... :)
17 weeks post

For me it has been:
Moisturize and seal daily
Deep Conditioning frequently 2x week
Moisture and Protein Balance
Wearing only Protective Styles with very low manipulation
So far I haven’t used heat during my stretch
- No itching (When my hair is growing I get ferocious itching and that definitely causes breakage. It also causes sores that will BURN when relaxing....

OMG!! I thought is was just me. My itching gets so fierce around the last 2 weeks of my stretch - 2 weeks before my relaxer. HOw on earth do you combat this??:wallbash: I try to massage the scalp nightly before I tie down my hair for bed, but what starts out as a nice massage soon turns into an awful scratch-fest:wallbash:. I know it nothing more than my stimulated folicles and new growth, but sometimes I feel like ripping out my whole head.

Any ideas/thoughts/suggestions would be most welcome. My stretch is over in 8 more days. Don't wanna do any more scratchin':perplexed
OMG!! I thought is was just me. My itching gets so fierce around the last 2 weeks of my stretch - 2 weeks before my relaxer. HOw on earth do you combat this??:wallbash: I try to massage the scalp nightly before I tie down my hair for bed, but what starts out as a nice massage soon turns into an awful scratch-fest:wallbash:. I know it nothing more than my stimulated folicles and new growth, but sometimes I feel like ripping out my whole head.

Any ideas/thoughts/suggestions would be most welcome. My stretch is over in 8 more days. Don't wanna do any more scratchin':perplexed

I find that co-washing helps to prevent my scalp from itching and then i base my scalp the day or nite before my relaxer AND the day OF....i use the Hawaiian Silky scalp comes in a clear applicator bottle and the grease is gives your scalp a nice tingle and i have not had any burns since i purchased this if you're a bone-strait relaxed head it doesn't interfere with the relaxing process:)
For me it's a combination of things... low manipulation, wkly deep conditioning, only combing/detangling on wash days 1x a wk, and keeping my new growth moisturized to reduce breakage at the demarcation line. My longest stretch so far was 20 wks, right now I'm 14 wks into a 24 wk stretch...

how are you wearing your hair since you only comb once a week? trying to get ideas.
I'm 16 weeks post today and am going to relax sometime this weekend, woohoo! Low Manipulation/Protective Styles are a must for me when stretching. I DC 2x per week, was 1x per week, and moisturize and seal nightly (sometimes in the morning as well). Also, it's best to finger comb and hide your ends...basically just leave your hair alone unless it's necessary to touch it.

what do you moisturize and seal with? i've tried this but my hair gets way too greasy. i've used creme of nature leave in conditoner for moisture and evoo for sealing.
I find that co-washing helps to prevent my scalp from itching and then i base my scalp the day or nite before my relaxer AND the day OF....i use the Hawaiian Silky scalp comes in a clear applicator bottle and the grease is gives your scalp a nice tingle and i have not had any burns since i purchased this if you're a bone-strait relaxed head it doesn't interfere with the relaxing process:)

where can the hawaiin silky be purchased?
My Last Relaxer (April), I co-washed for about the 1st 4 weeks with Nutrine Garlic Conditioner to ward off any potential "shedding" ( and I didn't have any).:grin:

So, I plan to do this next relaxer (July) as well. I will co-wash the 1st 4 weeks or more with the Nutrine and DC with AE Garlic.:yep:
The biggest obstacle for me are shed hairs that cause tangling, so a good detangling spray (FX Tangle Out) and gently but thoroughly combing out shed hairs daily is a must for me. Gotta make sure I have my Aphogee 2 step treatment every 5-6 weeks as well.
My Last Relaxer (April), I co-washed for about the 1st 4 weeks with Nutrine Garlic Conditioner to ward off any potential "shedding" ( and I didn't have any).:grin:

So, I plan to do this next relaxer (July) as well. I will co-wash the 1st 4 weeks or more with the Nutrine and DC with AE Garlic.:yep:

I should try this but I really don't want to buy any new products. I've always been a shedder but as long as I stay away from heat I retain thickness and length. It really surprises me...
what do you moisturize and seal with? i've tried this but my hair gets way too greasy. i've used creme of nature leave in conditoner for moisture and evoo for sealing.

evoo leaves me SUPER greasy as well. I've recently switched to grapeseed oil and am having much better results (greasy texture wise that is). I wouldn't say that it's generally better for sealing, but I just can't stand greasy hair.
Amen for this thread. I am 12 wks post on Sunday and studying this thread like an exam. Low manip and proper moisture/ protein balance are important for me. I wash my hair 1 x week more than that is too much manip. Right now my hair is in cornrows under a half wig. I use jherri juice + HELTR and seal with indian oils. I comb 1 x week as well. My hair likes to be left alone.
I cowash with cheapie conditioners and add a quarter sized amount of coconut oil. It keeps my new growth soft.I never comb from root to ends dry only when I'm detangling. My relaxed hair doesn't respond well to protein so I avoid it unless I get that mushy feeling.

The other thing is low manipulation and keeping my hair moisturized. Also my relaxed ends are so processed that I keep them straight.One reason I wasn't getting length was because my damaged ends were frizzing and knotting. So there was breakage only on my ends. I'm aware of that problem so I lightly flat iron them now as well as get regular trims that will gradually get rid of the damage.
Right now I'm 6 months post, this is what I've foiund works:

1. Oil pre-poos: make the hair easier to detangle and keep the hair from being stripped by shampoo, which can lead to more tangles.

2. Porosity control: after shampooing melts the tangles like magic

3. Frequent DCing: (2x a week for me) using a mild-medium protein reconstructor on the relaxed ends, and following with a moisture DC on the whole length. Hard protein every 6 weeks.

3. Using a moisturizing spray leave-in like S-curl keep my NG pliable.

4. Clear rinses: My hair is coarse, semi-permanent rinses (I choose clear, no color) give the hair a light coating that smoothes the hair shaft and cuts down on the snags and tangles alot.

5. Keeping my hair in PS like buns and updos. At this far post wearing my hair "out" is just asking for trouble.
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