Stretchers / Trimmers I have a ???


New Member
STORY: my see-thru ends are at APL: i went from SL to APL by baggying and stretching until i grew the amount of inches needed: so all i'd have to do is relax and compare pics: awhile ago my hair broke off in the back in a certain spot: so now u can see a gap: my gap is SL while the surrounding strands are APL (NOTICEABLE)

DILEMMA: i wanna stretch from APL to BSL but I can't wear my hair down cuz of my gap and see thru ends: is it better to trim my hair back to SL (i can wear my hair out) and baggy to APL?: or baggy my hair to BSL (i can't wear my hair out: but its long enough for buns) and trim to wear my gap has grown down to?

SOLUTION: (ur answer here)
It depends on the size of the gap...
But if you bun long enough for the SL to reach APL, then trim it to even APL, I say go for it...

Winter is coming and I will be bunning until spring... I say bun it:yep:
IMO, either option is good. Depends on if you want to wear your hair out (then trim) or if you don't mind bunning (then leave until BSL).

Remember, if you trim back to SL and start wearing out, your ends are most vulnerable at SL because of constant rubbing against clothes and such and extra special care required:yep:.
dust it for split. other than that , just keep the ends protected to keep some of the length. because it is so thin it can have more breakage right now so be careful. keep them hidden
WOW! yall both dropped serious truth on me: and yall are absolutely right: i'm bunning: thank u ladies