Stress is no joke...


Well-Known Member
So, to make a long story short, I'm having a setback because of stress at work. The stress actually got so bad that I had a knot in my neck and a coworker, trying to massage it out, said "This is really, really bad". I had two patches of hair in the back of my head (each about 3 quarters size) fall out over about 3 - 4 weeks. I saw small clumps of hair falling out but I didn't see anything because my hair is fine, but I have a lot of it, so unless I pay close attention I'll miss it. I also thought it was breakage until I started pulling it apart and noticing it was full length hairs. No one else noticed it, but when I flipped my hair over the other day I saw them. Also, my skin has been acting up and I've not done anything different in my beauty regimen. So this is my game plan:

1. Start eating healthier. I've been stress eating anything I could get my hands on (candy, fast food, anything but fruits and veggies). I've also been eating because I haven't taken time out to cook or look for healthier alternatives. I've made a menu and not only am I going to stick to it, but my family is too.

2. I went to the store (Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Big Lots, Sally's, Target and Wal-Mart) and bought a HOARD of repair packs, moisture packs, shampoos, etc. You guys weren't lying when you said cheapie conditioners are good - I've tried some and they are a miracle. I just have to beware of some ingredients but I'm going to topically nurse my hair back to health too.

3. Take time out to drink some tea. I have a bunch of it for topical use on my hair but I'm going to take time out once a week to deep condition my hair, read a book and drink some tea.

4. Taking 2 biotin tabs a day instead of 1 (at different times). Will possibly buy more MSM to take internally with my OJ in the morning.

5. Start that running I'm supposed to be doing every morning...

I feel like if I make time to pay attention and do these things, it will cause me to slow down and not only be healthier but also concentrate on something other than work. Ladies, stress is no bueno, but its effects will sure lead you to working toward a healthier life.
You aint joking about stress. Work stress the last month had me shedding like a cat. Not as bad as you though.

Agree on the tea rinsing. That pretty much kept my hair on my head. I had more shed than usual, but it wasn't covering the sink and floor and bed like it normally does with work stress.

Cheap condish for me is V05. It is the BEST for cowashing and keeping the moisture level up. Love love love it.

Between the healthier diet and excersize you should be fine.

Hope that stress ends soon. You'll make a great come back from your set back with this plan. Good luck!
Yes, stress truly can affect your hair. I had hair coming out during my last semester of grad school about 8 years ago, but I was also using poor hair care techniques at the time as well (bleaching, weekly blow drying/flat ironing) so that didn't help things. Everything you mentioned will help - especially the exercise which naturally counteracts cortisol in body - and following a healthy hair care regimen. I would definitely go low-mani during this period ala buns, pinning it up, etc. May God bless you with His peace during this stressful time, not just for your hair but overall health.
At work, go for a walk during lunch no matter what. Don't work through lunch either. Assert that right. Folks would take advantage of workers and have them working for hours on end if they could. Don't let them. Make it a point to get up and walk outside for a few minutes every day. The fresh air and distance from the work environment will be calming.
Thanks ladies. Your encouragement, well wishes and kind words - They mean a lot :yep:

And V05 is my new IT. Hello Hydration, Pantene Relaxed and Natural, Vidal Sassoon and Aussie are all really good too. V05 is the best because it works like the others but I can get it anywhere and it's only $0.78 at Wal-Mart. I so wish I had listened and tried sooner :yep:
Please get a b-complex vitamin as well. That will really help with combating the stress.

Yes, this is a good one. I take a mulitvitamin, a biotin and a super b complex with a glass of OJ. I've been doing this for 7 years now with good results. I recently had a B-12 shot at my doctor's office, not for my hair but fatigue. I'm not sure if that's necessary, but it was only $25.
Stress is something else I tell you. I've been going through some terrible (non job related) stress and my hair has suffered with shedding. Because of what i'm going through I haven't been eating well or taking my vitamins either so my hair has suffered a lot. I'm trying to get back on track now to get back some of the progress i've lost.