Stress & breakage


It's been awhile since I posted and I really need some assistance. I have been under loads of stress lately and my hair is no longer healthy. I once had thick, healthy hair and now its uneven in the crown of my head. It has broken off so bad. Everytime I come my hair, it ends up in the sink, on the floor, in the comb and I'm losing lots of it.

Some of my hair looks like this: (the lines below basically will tell the shape my hair is in now)


Seriously, I can't take it any more. I've been thinking about going to Aveda and letting them care for it for a few months.Before I put my hands back in it. However, do you think that the breakage came from me discontinuing my relaxer as well? My last relaxer was in the month of December and now my hair feels very course, dry and it looks as if I have cradle cap in the front of my head. It doesn't matter how often I wash my hair I haven't been able to get the dryness/flakyness to lift.

Please help!

I'm sorry to hear about your problems. I would concentrate on retaining moisture. You could try baggying, natural moisture is effective in strengthening your hair. Conditioner washing and clarifying your hair bi-weekly or monthly, will also help with retaining moisture and eliminating any product build-up. Hot oil treatments are also effective in strengthening the hair shaft.

Ayurveda products are also effective in hair care these are natural and plant based (the powders). There are some good threads on this forum on Ayurveda.

Find a way of dealing with the stress a good way is by taking Pure EPA Fish Oils, which help with stress by lifting spirits and help you to feel more relaxed. Yoga and meditation also help.

Good Luck.
I was having breakage issues as well, both at the ends and line of demarcation (where my relaxed hair met my natural hair).

Here is what I did:

Got satin scarves and pillow case.

Started using Aubrey Organics White Camellia Shampoo & Conditioner.

Bought seamless combs.

The above helped with breakage at line of demarcation, but ends were still breaking until I started to using Afrodetangler leave-in conditioner and sealing it with oils (Avocado Jojoba etc.).

By the time my sample bottle of Afrodetangler was used up my breakage was 90% gone. They have some good tips @

As far as dealing with stress... prayer, reading the Bible, singing praise songs and giving thanks to God for my blessings ( small and big ).

I have found it impossible to be thankful and depressed at the same time... try it and see.:clap::bookworm2::angel2:
I appreciate your help ladies. I'm going to look into getting the fish oil vitamins, pillowcases and trying the Ayurveda. Is there a certain brand of fish oil that you would recommend?

I've been washing my hair very often but, it just hasn't been maintaining any oil and the front of my scalp is very flaky/dry (looks like cradle cap). It doesn't matter how often I was my hair, it keeps coming back. I hope to get rid of this because, it looks so bad.

I've been praying alot and being back in school has helped alot. I don't feel half as stressed as I was. Since being back in school I've been doing really well. I guess on the outside looking in it doesn't show but, I can definitely the stress is still bothering me because, my hair is breaking off.

I have been looking to find some yoga classes so I'm sure this would probably help a great deal too.
I definitely think it's the relaxer, or not having one. You can expect that that's why most people BC to avoid it. I really don't think stress can cause BREAKAGE, SHEDDING yes but I don't see how it can affect the hair that is already out of your scalp. Sorry about your stress I know how that is.

The only thing that worked for me is henna (strengthens my hair like no other protein treatment can-preventing breakage), no cones (since I don't use cones my moisturizers seem to penetrate better) and Qhemet (great moisturizers for super dry hair). You can also try Chagrin Valley poo bars as opposed to regular poo which can make the situation worse.

ETA: Ayurveda should clear your dandruff right up, neem is good and if your not into mixing powders Chagrin sells a neem poo bar you can try on your scalp. I have read many success stories on different hair boards about Ayurveda clearing scalp issues. I use to have itchy gunk on my scalp that I could not get rid of no matter what I did. I suspect it was from the sulfates in shampoo because I tossed them out and started Ayurveda and my scalp is just fine now.
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Thanks so much! I was starting to think that it may have come from not relaxing as well. My texture looks really nice though. I am making an appointment for Friday, although I won't be getting a relaxer I hope that it starts getting healthy again.

I am a witness that stress can cause breakage. This happened to me about four years ago when I was graduating. It didn't help that my hair was bleached and relaxed, so I think the stress pushed my hair over the edge.

I agree with your feelings - go to a professional to get some immediate intervention. That's what I did. I also regularly take Vitamin B Complex because it's supposed to help counteract stress.

I wish you the best and hope things turn around soon. :-)