Strange strand of shedded hair


Well-Known Member
Lately I have been watching what hairs fall when I comb. Today I had this strand of hair wih the bulb attached that had several other stands from it.

My question is should I be worried?
Should I trim my ends since I have not in months? BTW. I think my ends look good

What do you ladies suggest?

growingbrown said:
Lately I have been watching what hairs fall when I comb. Today I had this strand of hair wih the bulb attached that had several other stands from it.

My question is should I be worried?
Should I trim my ends since I have not in months? BTW. I think my ends look good

What do you ladies suggest?


When hair sheds its supposed to shed from the root, from my understanding, so the bulb is a good sign. Also if your ends look okay why trim them??
arrrgh the SCARY STRAND as icall them...these splits actually make me feel sick 4 sum reason, they are sooo ugly erghthrt

anyway..enough of my phobia..

its just a bad hair! check through your air in sections to see if you can spot anymore, if so snip em. i get these like once a month and erghh...but dont worry..worry if ALL your shed hairs look like this

hold on a minute...the 7 strands? were they attached to the BULB? if so thats very you mean 7 attached to the srand ITSELF as though it had multiple splits? if so the above applies
Candy C, the strand did have a bulb attached and it seemed to be with several other splits that were of the same thickness. When I get home tonight I will indeed look for others and cut them.

thanks ladies

I wouldn't worry. It's more likely that you had multiple hairs growing out of the same follical. (I've had a few like this myself). I think that if it were truly a strand that had split several times 1) you would be seeing much more damage than you have and 2) at least one of the strands would have broken, it not more.

If you check carefully, there are several areas of the body that routinely grow more than one hair from the follical, or have several follicals so close together that it appears that they're coming from the same one.

Don't cut them, unless you are sure it's the same hair strand split all the way up to the scalp.

I've had some weird looking shedded strands of hair. Just the other day, I say a shedded strand that had 2 knots and a split on it. I was like 'how in the world did my hair do this?' Especially since I've been wearing my hair in two strand twists. :blush: