Strange question here...


New Member
I have 4a/b hair type, I believe, relaxed. When my hair is wet, it has no curls...I mean bone straight. But when I let my hair air dry in a pony tail it dries in semi-frizzy, loose curls. Why is this? Am I wrong about my hair type? Maybe I am more of a 4a. Can anyone help me figure this one out?
Your hair is not relaxed bone straight, that's all. When it's wet, the weight of the water pulls it straight, but as it dries, your hair draws back up.
You'll know for sure that your hair is bone straight when it actually dries without curls/waves.
Same thing happens to me. I reasoned to myself that it is because my hair is in a healthy condition and not relaxed to the limit of its life. If your hair was overprocessed, I think that it would be bone straight all the time, because it would no longer have elasticity. My hair is very straight wet, but ever since I started airdrying, I notice the loose curl in my ponytail, which I see as a good thing--but I know that I am a 4a/b because that new growth don't lie!
I'll be interested to see what others think.
Yayyy...I have natural curls!!! I think I am going to buy some curl enhancers

Uba, I am really feeling your reasoning behind the curls and I would like to know what others think as well.
ubavka123 said:
Same thing happens to me. I reasoned to myself that it is because my hair is in a healthy condition and not relaxed to the limit of its life. If your hair was overprocessed, I think that it would be bone straight all the time, because it would no longer have elasticity. My hair is very straight wet, but ever since I started airdrying, I notice the loose curl in my ponytail, which I see as a good thing--but I know that I am a 4a/b because that new growth don't lie!

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You are telling the truth. After bleaching my hair in March, my goodness. I had stick straight parts on top of really curly parts, it was a mess. It was also breaking a lot, particularly after my last touch-up which definitely let me know my hair was overprocessed. Since the cut, my hair can now curl up again, except there are a few stick straight parts in the front and a little in the back, mainly around the edges. But fortunately, no breakage.
But I know the edges if where hairdressers comb in the perm even moreso than other places, so it makes perfect sense why that part is so straight compared to the others.
Yay! We have healthy hair!
I cannot wait until I get more length. I am at the shoulder blades, but layered--hovering around an inch below the chin in the front, touching the shoulders in the middle...graduated... Grrr...But my hair grows this way and consequently gets cut/trimmed this way...Mocha, I am just waiting to wear my curly style. I scrunched my curls once to make them curlier and I imagined what it would be like (if longer) with the right products and dry. I was loving it and I cannot wait to do that wash and go look after I get to a length that I am comfy with. Have fun girl!
I saw your album and your hair looks very healthy and I am sure the curly styles will look nice on you and your hair.
I use very-emollient leave-in by alba botanica, a spray from Aubrey called White Camelia and Jasmine shine and a little jojoba oil on the ends. I wear my hair up everyday, so this is what I am doing for the protective styling.