Strange hair loss....


Well-Known Member
Around this time last year, my hair was healthy, full and thick. This year??? for some reason I got a lot of breakage, and my hair is half the thickness it used to be. If I do wear it out I wear it back. leaving it out on the sides shows how thin my hair really is. Right now my hair is about armpit length. I was thinking of cutting it to neck length, however one of my co-workers think I should just cut no more than an inch off and start to build up from there.

What do you think would be the best thing?
That is a lot to cut.

Do you think it is that thin that you sould cut so much?

I agree with your co-worker. Just cut off a little and take it from there.
Thanks Honeydew. to me it seems as if most of my thickness and volume is more on the top to middle part of my hair. So I figured if I cut that much off it will look thicker. I'll get an inch off then.