Strands Galore


New Member
What does it mean if every time I dare touch my hair (hands, comb, brush) or just simply moving around, I see broken strands. Is it a possibility that I am stretching to long? Its only been about 8-9 weeks- I need help because I have tons of new growth but not ready to relax. My hair is currently in a ponytail.
Are you moisturizing your hair enough? Is your moisturizer getting into your hair or just sitting on top of your hair? Sounds like your hair is dry / weak if it's breaking that bad.
Are you sealing the moisture into your hair? Are you covering it with a silk/satin scarf? Is it broken hairs or shed hairs? Have you done any protein treatments lately? Are you under a lot of stress? Is it really cold where you are? It could be any number of things.
When was the last time you did a protein tx followed with a good deep moisturizer? For me, I can't and don't stretch otherwise I have lots of shedding and serious breakage.
queenspence said:
What does it mean if every time I dare touch my hair (hands, comb, brush) or just simply moving around, I see broken strands. Is it a possibility that I am stretching to long? Its only been about 8-9 weeks- I need help because I have tons of new growth but not ready to relax. My hair is currently in a ponytail.

Queen, it is possible you simply need to relax; my stretch is 8 weeks maximum until I perfect my technique. My broken hairs stopped as soon as I braved the APHOGEE 2 step treatment then weekly 2-minute APHOGEE followed by deep moisturizing and consistent 3x a day moisturizing, daily SURGE and MTG; and I do mean consistent...never too busy to stop and do it.
queenspence said:
What does it mean if every time I dare touch my hair (hands, comb, brush) or just simply moving around, I see broken strands. Is it a possibility that I am stretching to long? Its only been about 8-9 weeks- I need help because I have tons of new growth but not ready to relax. My hair is currently in a ponytail.

Everybody can't stretch. I have to get a touch up or my hair willbegin to fall. Also have you applied any other chemicals to your hair lately such as dye. If so you MUST do a reconstructor.
Thanks ladies. Actually, I have been stressing but have tried to cut that down. Right now I'm in North Dakota which may be a factor as well but before I left home it was worse. My hair was coming out in handfuls when I combed it. What causes moisture to sit on hair instead of penetrating? what do ou ladies use? What is a good protein treatment, I think that is what I need-
aphogee is a good protein treatment. it is a hard protein treatment that stops breakage. when u use it sit under neath a dryer until it gets hard. DO NOT use a plactic cap. when it gets hard DO NOT comb it out. wash it out nd put in a moisturizing conditioner. you MUST use a a moisturizing condtioner or else your hair will get brittle. I think you should read these threads to understand the caus eof your breakage.

locabouthair said:
aphogee is a good protein treatment. it is a hard protein treatment that stops breakage. when u use it sit under neath a dryer until it gets hard. DO NOT use a plactic cap. when it gets hard DO NOT comb it out. wash it out nd put in a moisturizing conditioner. you MUST use a a moisturizing condtioner or else your hair will get brittle. I think you should read these threads to understand the caus eof your breakage.


For some reason those links aren't working-
My hair is the same way when i stretch. I stretched 19 weeks and i shedded so much hair i could of made a fur coat. I tried aphogee, and cpr, the only thing that ceased the breakage was a perm. Now when i stretch no matter if it's 8 weeks, or 20, i know that i need to have my hair up in some sort of protective style to avoid manipulation.
Ladies, I think my only solution is a PERM! I'm going to get one this week and hopefully the breakage will stop. Thanks again.