Straight Vs Curly/frizzy


New Member
I'm a big fan of straight hair, but that has caused me problems. So whilst I'm having a break from the iron and just working with my natural hair..

I'm curious about those who keep their hair straight, and those who keep it curly/frizzy. How do you maintain it?

My hair is a lot more work now... I found straighter hair much easier to cope with. Any tips are more than welcome.
I never wear my hair straight because I don't like how it looks on me.
I've found that to keep it from being frizzy or too frizzy I have to achieve the right amount of moisture in my hair. Too little = frizz and too much = frizz.

It's a personal level though, what my hair needs in terms of moisture is not what your hair would probably need and its more determined by feel and the hairstyle I am doing.

It's definitely not easy, but it gets easier to deal this the more you do it.

Whats your hair texture and curl pattern? Maybe that would help others answer you better :). I have type 3c hair with a patch of 3b in the front and I have fine strands
I'm not sure anyone intentionally wears their hair frizzy....

Anyway, I just cowash. Keeping it moisturized keeps the curls defined and, well....not frizzy.
LOL yea I wear my hair curly not frizzy...

But anywho to keep it from being frizzy I cowash daily and search for ingredients that work in my dew points.
I have no idea about straight hair lol... i've always had my hair its in afro state but i tame that with braids braids and more braids! Lol but i'm going to change that from now on and explore more styles with and without heat. I never wear my hair just as an afro because i feel it's too much work to deal with :s....hmm i guess just keeping it moisturised around the clock is a safe strategy :) xx
I like my hair straight or curly but having it straight makes it much easier to deal with most times & it sheds alot less, but granted I don't use relaxers on my hair I just flat iron it a million times & use really good products. Deep conditioning no matter how you wear your hair always helps & is great for your hair.
I wear it curly only because my pressed hair just looks like a bad blowdry job and the roots revert or don't straighten. I've been keeping it streteched and doing braidouts and buns. I try to never let it shrink up. Also I ingercomb or try not to aggravate the curls much.
I'm not really sure what my hair texture is.. but I think it's between 4a and 3c (I don't really use hair terminology).. Correct me if I'm wrong lol.

Here's a pic to show you what I'm working with.

Ermm it's actually behaving in the pic, usually it's bigger lol.

I've started using Wave Nouvea moisturizing lotion.. that gives my hair a good feel.

What products do you ladies use?
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I'm not really sure what my hair texture is.. but I think it's between 4a and 3c (I don't really use hair terminology).. Correct me if I'm wrong lol.

Here's a pic to show you what I'm working with.

Ermm it's actually behaving in the pic, usually it's bigger lol.

I've started using Wave Nouvea moisturizing lotion.. that gives my hair a good feel.

What products do you ladies use?

Do you have a relaxer? Just wondering, your hair looks wavier and often what works for relaxed hair does not work for natural hair.
Cool - your curl pattern is very loose, so maybe around a 2c/3a? Also, how often were you straightening?

Hair texture is fine, medium or you know which your hair is? It's basically the thickness of the hair strand.
I straightened my hair to death! .. I used to do it everyday pretty much. From that I suffered breakages, and there are parts of hair that I used so much heat on .. they're permanently straight lol.

I'd say it's medium. It used to be much thicker.... I killed it.
Well, since you have heat damage first thing to do is a protein treatment, like aphogee or a heavy protein condish in order to give some strength to your may help your curls come back a bit too...Also, you can try doing braid outs in order to get a more consistent curl pattern - a lot of women like aloe vera gel or a product with honey/wax to do these.
Well, since you have heat damage first thing to do is a protein treatment, like aphogee or a heavy protein condish in order to give some strength to your may help your curls come back a bit too...Also, you can try doing braid outs in order to get a more consistent curl pattern - a lot of women like aloe vera gel or a product with honey/wax to do these.

That's extremely helpful. Thanks!