Straight rollersets?

I roll up instead of under.
I sit under the dryer for 90 mins.
I make sure my hair is soaking wet.
I even spray a little water on it once
I'm done rolling.
thicknlong said:
what do you use to help her rollerset end up straight ? What's good for improving the texture of rollersets?

There's only one answer to your question:

Use larger rollers like the big grey rollers if you have shoulder length hair. Smaller rollers make a tight curl that is longer lasting. Large rollers only curl the ends and everything else is straight. I have a picture in my fotki named Lacio Lacio of my rollerset when using large rollers. When I wrap my hair the next day my hair is completely straight (like I flat ironed), a day after picture is in my sigi.

As the other ladies said, make sure your hair is soaking wet when rolling and roll taunt. It really doesn't matter if you roll up or down, I roll both ways and my hair still comes out straight the next day.

Use water and a serum instead of setting lotion. If you only have setting lotion then use the 1 to 3 rule. For every serving of setting lotion, add 3 servings of water. You want the setting lotion to be diluted as much as possible.
I agree with Keclee, I use the largest rollers I can find (2 in.) and Lacio Lacio as a leave-in, serum and water and my hair comes out straight.