Straight Look


New Member
I'm texlaxed transitioning from bone strait, and I want to wear my hair straight sometimes. My hair has been in a ponytail since July06, and I want to change. The rollerset/flexirod just doesn't seem to work for me because it looks to big. I wash and air dry in a ponytail with Mango Butter, WGO, and my hair looks really straight but I still would have to use a flat iron for the ends. Does anyone have any suggestions?
You could put your hair in a bun to help smooth your ends. Also, setting your damp ends on self holding rollers should do the trick, this allows me to never have to out any heat on my ends, I flat iron my roots only.
Allandra said:
Have you tried wrapping it once it's dry? This could help the ends look smoother.

Allandra, do you cross wrap? I seem to remember some of the long haired ladies do this. :scratchch

If so, how is it done exactly? TIA. :D

ETA: Oh, nevermind, I see Khandi B has a tutorial in her fotki.
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