Straight hair blues!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Okay ladies. I am starting to get the "Straight hair blues." I went to the mall yesterday and saw all of this STRAIGHT, FLOWING HAIR!!!! I got soooo jealous!!! :( I want straight hair. I got my hair straightened about 3 weeks ago, and it was cute. But I had too much build up so my hair didn't move, now I want to straighten my hair again.

I went natural in the first place to see if my hair would be healthier and grow longer. In which it should be because I don't have any chemicals and I don't use heat every week like when I was relaxed. But, I'm now starting to question whether or not I really want my hair natural. Come on ladies, give me so motivation!!!! :( :( :(
I was in your position and I texlaxed my hair myself and it was the best thing I've ever done for my hair. I was relaxed for several years, natural for six years and finally I'm texlaxed and loving it. I can wear my hair curly or straight. I prefer straight. So now it's easy, less heat, low manipulation and shaky flat ironed hair. I never have to even look at a pressing comb again.

I texlax like five times a year! I'm on number three now (touch ups only)
I think it's just a phase and it's being magnified by guilt. It's okay to want straight hair but you know you should give your hair a chance to grow first. I'm fortunate enough not to have gone through this phase yet only because I KNOW the drama is too much and because I want a MASSIVE curly fro before I ever go for the straight look again. Just remind yourself of the drama involved and of the goals you'd like to reach and you'll be back on track in no time. Don't put a veto on ever going back to a relaxer tho, a texturiser might actually be what you need so don't cut those options out just because you feel you have too
dimpalz said:
I think it's just a phase and it's being magnified by guilt. It's okay to want straight hair but you know you should give your hair a chance to grow first. I'm fortunate enough not to have gone through this phase yet only because I KNOW the drama is too much and because I want a MASSIVE curly fro before I ever go for the straight look again. Just remind yourself of the drama involved and of the goals you'd like to reach and you'll be back on track in no time. Don't put a veto on ever going back to a relaxer tho, a texturiser might actually be what you need so don't cut those options out just because you feel you have too

DON"T DO ANYTHING RASH! You will regret it! I'm not saying that you should rule out texlaxing or even relaxing...but you should wait. I agree with the other posters...try a wig or a straight can not get the napps back withouth growing them out once thay are gone. I love the versatility of my napps too much to give them up.
A really good conditioning treatment after using a really good clarifying poo to remove build-up should get you right where you want to go. When you flat-iron or press, don't put anything on your hair. Hair moves better when there are no products on it...not even a heat protectant. My hair is 100% natural, but it moves when I move and gets silky-straight with heat. People always assume I have a relaxer when my hair is straight.

IMO, there's no point in damaging the hair with both heat AND chemicals. So I chose the lesser of the two evils. Remember why you made the decision to go natural in the first place. Naturals can have straight hair with lots of movement too. Keep hope alive sis! Hang in there.;)
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I went through that phase after going natural for a few months. But once I really learned what my hair liked, product-wise, is when my hair started behaving. It took me almost 2 years to really get to know my natural hair. And once I did I started retaining length and got my hair flowing. Give it a little more time and re-evaluate your produts. Make sure you are not putting too much on your natural hair. I use Aveda and their products are very concentrated,so a little goes a long way. Like Meaganita said, whats the point of Heat and Chemicals.
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AWWWWWWW, ladies THANKS!!!! You all are SOOO RIGHT!! When I do ANYTHING else to my hair (braids, wigs, straighten it), I miss my coils and want them back. So, sportin' a wig may not be a bad idea. Nothing that needs to last too long like a sew-in or braids. Then I'll be PISSED if I take it out to soon after paying all that MONEY!!!! :lol:
dimpalz said:
I think it's just a phase and it's being magnified by guilt. It's okay to want straight hair but you know you should give your hair a chance to grow first. I'm fortunate enough not to have gone through this phase yet only because I KNOW the drama is too much and because I want a MASSIVE curly fro before I ever go for the straight look again. Just remind yourself of the drama involved and of the goals you'd like to reach and you'll be back on track in no time. Don't put a veto on ever going back to a relaxer tho, a texturiser might actually be what you need so don't cut those options out just because you feel you have too

The bolded part is sooooo right. I was just telling my friend the other day how I can't wait until I have a HUGE COILY 'FRO!!!!!
Gurl, I feel ya! I am getting ready for my residency graduation and we had to supply pictures for a roast. Well, I busted out some of my medical school grad pictures and there I see all this flowing, long, straight hair. Although I am in love with my napps, I have to admit I got a little nostalgic. But then I thought, that time in my life os over. I am starting a new chapter and although the straight ( and relaxed) hair was good for that time, I am loving my curly fro. So, I feel ya girl. But stray strong!! :lol:
pinkskates said:
I went through that phase after going natural for a few months. But once I really learned what my hair liked, product-wise, is when my hair started behaving. It took me almost 2 years to really get to know my natural hair. And once I did I started retaining length and got my hair flowing. Give it a little more time and re-evaluate your produts. Make sure you are not putting too much on your natural hair. I use Aveda and their products are very concentrated,so a little goes a long way. Like Meaganita said, whats the point of Heat and Chemicals.
OT: Why didn't I see your siggy before?? Where on Earth did you get them sassy skates from!!!:love:
Oh wow...(sore spot):( .

When I moved to ATL from Cincy I was completely natural. My hair unstretched was shoulder length. It was BEAUTIFUL! I move here and what do I see? Straight haired gals. Little did I know most of them had weaves but you know I really wasn't up on the weave thing so I didn't know any better. Hindsight is 20/20. I had the blues SO bad that I went to a horrible hairstylist and got a virgin relaxer and "cut". My hair looked terrible:ohwell: . Do you know how long my hair would be now if I had just left well enough alone? I hate to even think about it.

I know you know it'll pass but DON'T BE DECEIVED! Like the others said, get a weave and rock that until it goes away.
Originally posted by Twana
Forget those skates, girl I want YOUR BODY!!! Wait, maybe I should rephrase that. I WANT YOUR SHAPE!!! :lachen: :lachen:

Thank you Twana; I owe my shape to my jam-rollerskating workouts!:)
Haha, I'm feelin like this right now since last week I got my hair flat ironed. It just felt like silk and it never does when its coily. Gladly I'm already starting to get over it
pinkskates said:

Thank you Mermaid; my hubby had my skates custom-made for me.
Get. OUT!!!!!!!????
Where did he have that done??
I got some goofy old school tennis shoe skates, but I had been wanting the old white boot skate with the pink pom pom that you tie on the laces but those pink skates are too much!!
Jam-rollerskating, is a term used to describe skaters who breakdance, do different kinds of spins, and group dance routines on our quad skates. And a lot of the movements are at a fast pace.(A DJ plays music) Its a fun way to stay in shape.
pinkskates said:
Jam-rollerskating, is a term used to describe skaters who breakdance, do different kinds of spins, and group dance routines on our quad skates. And a lot of the movements are at a fast pace.(A DJ plays music) Its a fun way to stay in shape.
Is there a website? the rink in my town is very oring; the top 40 (bad) dj and they boast that they have DISCO LIGHTS! Look out now! I need somethiing fun and interesting!
OP- sorry for hijacking your thread, I'll just get my info from Pinkskates and get outta your thread, lol!!!
mermaid said:
Is there a website? the rink in my town is very oring; the top 40 (bad) dj and they boast that they have DISCO LIGHTS! Look out now! I need somethiing fun and interesting!
OP- sorry for hijacking your thread, I'll just get my info from Pinkskates and get outta your thread, lol!!!

Giiiirrl, I totally forgot that I started this thread. I wanting to know the answer to your question!!! :lol:
Originally Posted by mermaid
Is there a website? the rink in my town is very oring; the top 40 (bad) dj and they boast that they have DISCO LIGHTS! Look out now! I need somethiing fun and interesting!
OP- sorry for hijacking your thread, I'll just get my info from Pinkskates and get outta your thread, lol!!!

There is a, that has all kinds of links of where to skate. My hubby built my skates piece by piece. I was fitted for my skate boot(Harlick) and then he had them dyed, and he ordered the plates from atlas, and then had them power-coated a hot pink color,etc...
I live in LA and the skating rinks all sell skates and skating accessories. A
lot of the ladies I skate with; have the cute pom-poms on their skates.:)
pinkskates said:
There is a, that has all kinds of links of where to skate. My hubby built my skates piece by piece. I was fitted for my skate boot(Harlick) and then he had them dyed, and he ordered the plates from atlas, and then had them power-coated a hot pink color,etc...
I live in LA and the skating rinks all sell skates and skating accessories. A
lot of the ladies I skate with; have the cute pom-poms on their skates.:)
Thanks, Chica!
You're lucky to have a skate-tech man, lol!!!
Some of the rinks here sell skates, but there is still a lot of hype over inlines. Some places are getting smart and adding a disco night and it brings in the older crowd (the ones who actually HAVE the money instead of their kids, lol!) but in MY lil' rual town, the rink isn't even open every day let alone thinking outside the box.
I luv dem pom poms...:grin:

ETS: *sigh* I went to the website and the only rink that does this is the one I already knew had a disco night- it's in my OLD town about 40 miles from me!
Maybe I should start requesting it in my town and see what happens...:scratchch
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Ms_Twana said:
Giiiirrl, I totally forgot that I started this thread. I wanting to know the answer to your question!!! :lol:
She's so totally hot and her skates are so cute, I just HAD to get the answers, hahahahahhahaha!!!!:rofl: