Str8 Away Sufle`, straighten hair without relaxers


New Member
I did a search on Str8 Away Sufle`, but I didn't find anything. If there is a thread on it post the link, please.

I was searching for a natural hair straigtener for my cousin, because she went back to relaxers earlier this year and her hair is in horrible shape again. She has trouble keeping her hair natural, so she felt that she had to relax. Her stylist didn't want to do her natural hair...and when she was just starting to grow out her relaxer (at least 5 yrs ago) stylist didn't want to deal with 2 textures. :ohwell: This is why she gave in to relaxing again.

My cousin has 3c hair, but relaxers always turns it into a brillo. I believe that she relaxed it in March of this yr after yrs of being natural, and within 2 months it was a brillo.

Has anyone ever tried this and does it work well?

Str8 Away Sufle`, straighten hair without relaxers

I believe that this is the inventor's comment.
Thank you for inquiring about ALTernative products, we are an organic hair care product line specifically designed for the consumer who wants interchangeable options for natural hair. Whether the look you desire is curly or relaxed, you never have to make a permanent decision. ALTernative solves every challenge for any textured hair with just three products: Str8 Away Sufle`, 10Dril, and Olivette. These products eliminate the excessive time and effort needed to groom naturally textured hair. In this economic climate there is a demand for a solution that will sustain our images while the lack of money for personal services increases. Clients will not be able to afford the high priced tickets of chemicals and weaves. As we are quickly approaching that plateau, it is evident that the focus of the consumer is rapidly changing. People want a healthier alternative for their consumer dollars. ALTernative adopts a less is best motto to encourage simplicity within the world of beauty. The companys goal is to redefine the façade of beauty that has jaded our communities and help bring the focus back to healthy, natural images that can be sustained throughout a lifetime. All to often people are forced to choose between the damaging effects of relaxers or weaves to maintain their desired looks. Figuratively speaking, as women we are consistently challenged by our love life, our exercising life, and our sleeping positions, all in the name of hair. We avoid all of these things to maintain our beauty and sacrifice too much in the big picture.
Welcome to the Evolution of Natural Hair Care as well as the introduction to hair freedom to men and women of all races. ALTernative is the solution! Wake up!

Ryan Foster Inc.
633 W. Rittenhouse St.
Suite C-11
Phila., PA 19144
(215) 843-0116
Find us on Facebook at ALT Naturalhairproducts
Str8 Away Sufle is $35.00
If you want to purchase this product please send a request to [email protected]
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Eh. These "natural straighteners" are just a marketing gimmick. It's not the product that gets your hair straight, it's the blow drying and flat iron. Not saying that products don't make a difference, because they can, but get your technique down and you won't need a "straightener."
Interesting, never heard of it. Wonder if it's like Diva Smooth. I would love to see the ingredients.

Without a powerful base (high pH) to open up the hair cuticles and break disulfide bonds inside the hair, a product will not be able to be chemically straighten your hair.

My stylist used it on me twice this summer. It's not a straightener, it's a styling balm to help maintain a natural press (flat iron/pressing comb/blowout). The first time it worked amazing, I went to Miami and my hair did not revert at all; even with rain. The second time, I went to NY and a day's worth of walking turned my hair into a frizz ball. Now, I'm not sure if more product was used the first time, but I wasn't gonna pay the extra $10 to see.
Eh. These "natural straighteners" are just a marketing gimmick. It's not the product that gets your hair straight, it's the blow drying and flat iron. Not saying that products don't make a difference, because they can, but get your technique down and you won't need a "straightener."

That's what I noticed from the video.
I'd like more details about Anika's Str8 Away Sufle but I'm not signing up for facebook. Don't like facebook AT ALL. :ohwell: