Story Time: Hair


Well-Known Member
I have been having a lot of family coming over the past few weeks. And recently had an Aunt with her son ( white and black) who has come down from Quebec who has not seen my mother in 30 years. She kinda came unannounced because her son wanted to visit Toronto.

Anyway, my female relatives are antinatural hair especially when your hair is kinky. Only loosely curled hair is acceptable as natural according to them. Anyway, she is big into hair and she relaxes and my mother texturises but she recently cut it and she has a mostly new growth. So she asked me to see my hair and right now I am growing my keratin treatment because it’s not what I expected after I wet it. So I usually bum it to keep it stretched while growing it out of the treatment.

According to her that is unacceptable and she thought it would be best to do a ‘curl’. Mind you I’ve already told her I don’t like relaxers I don’t weave or wig and the only thing I am willing to do is braided extensions occasionally while I grow out the keratin.

She had to heart to heart with me that is unacceptable for me as girl to wear my hair that way. Lol, my hair that way. What I hate about some of the women in my family is most of them (mom included) have horrible hair practices. And their hair is nothing to envy but they insist on giving advice on what my hair should look like.

Second; my mom actually has nice soft coils hair but insist on texturizing her hair and ends up cutting it every year. She sees how much her hair break and she sees how much thinned over the year but insist on continuing. But wants to chastise me.

A lot of my hair problems has been due to my health moreso due to it being natural and she knows this but no cigar. And what really grind my nerves is how they stay talking about kinky hair being ugly around my younger cousins and nieces. But stay complimenting mixed race people’s hair.

Unfortunately for them I do me but the last part always irritates me. Especially when she keeps coming to me on what can stop her breakage. And u tell her she needs to stop texturizing/relaxing but doesn’t listen. Her edges are hangin on thread.

My aunt has decent relaxed hair that she keeps short like a slightly longer Halle Berry cut (decent for an african woman anyway, don’t stone me but many African women are horrible in applying and maintaining relaxed hairstyles), and just discovered keracare and learned a lot from YouTube vids on better hair care practices.

Eugh.,,just neeeded to vent. Honestly, I just think she has a complex. She kept asking what I do for my skin to be so nice. Mind you there is nothing wrong she just isn’t light skin. Neither am I but I guess I am lighter than her so..even my mom who has the same train of thought as her about the hair ha to check her and say her skin is fine.

I just cringe at the things she says around her son.
It so frustrating when that stuff comes from family!

If someone want to eat poo and insist it’s fillet mignon I just have to sit back with my Kobe steak and enjoy my glass of wine.

Tell the kids that kinks are beautiful when they come around. Outside of that we have to focus on living our best lives because the number of people who want to support us in loving ourselves fully form a short list.
I understand. I went natural over 30 years ago when it was not popular. People with short chewed off ends had the most to say. I even was barred from attending a family reunion because my hair was nappy.
I order to avoid debating with fools I ignored their comments and repeated this mantra to myself:

"Don't take advice from someone you do not want to be like".

So because I didn't want dried up, wispy hair and bald spots, I laughed at them to myself.

Now, some of those people who laughed at me are first to show me their natural hair. I just shake my head or say "Oh, so you natural now?"