Stop Commplaining!


Well-Known Member
Stop Complaining!

(Sharing another email) (Thread title should read Stop Complaining)

Stop Complaining!

'Do all things without complaining. ...' Philippians 2:14

If somebody gave you a pound every time you complained and collected one every time you showed gratitude, would you be rich or poor? You say, 'If you had my problems you'd complain too.' The Bible says: 'Do all things without complaining, ' because the more you complain the worse things get. Notice:

1) Complaining is addictive. The cycle goes: You've a problem; you complain and remain stuck in it; you feel bad, so you complain even more and you end up with stress, not solutions. How foolish is that?

2) Complaining robs you of God's blessing. Instead of committing it to God, you're doubting His wisdom and His provision. God put twenty-three thousand Israelites to death for doing that. 'Do not grumble, as some of them did - and were killed...These things...were written down as warnings for us...' (1Corinthians 10:10-11 NIV). Don't just check your attitude, change it!

3) Complaining affects your health. 'A calm and undisturbed mind and heart are the life and health of the body...' (Proverbs 14:30 AMP). Be honest, how many calm, undisturbed complainers do you know? Instead of complaining, work on your attitude.

Start counting your blessings. A wise man once said, 'I complained that I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.' Consider what author Barbara Johnston speaks about: 'A hand-lettered sign nailed to a telephone pole said, "Lost dog with three legs, blind in left eye, missing right ear, tail broken, and recently castrated. Answers to the name of Lucky."

' The Bible says: 'In everything (notice, it doesn't say for everything, but in everything) give thanks; for this is the will of God' (1Thessalonians 5:18 NKJV).
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Thanks Classic for this.

I really need to deal with this. I am always complaining, even when I think I'm not.

Any practical suggestions.
I was just looking at "brag" thread in OT with a mix of admiration and envy thinking about how I didn't have much to contribute but I had to ask forgiveness after reading this.

I'm exceedingly blessed and highly favored, the Lord has kept me, redeemed me, and continues to transform me by His love. He knows my future and is ordering my steps - He has great and marvelous works for me to walk in. He knows everything about me and cares about my getting up and lying down. He has rescued and protected me in so many ways seen and unseen. He speaks to me, comforts me, and draws me by His spirit, the one that sticks closer than a brother.

Even earthly fathers know how to give good gifts to their children, how much better is the most High in giving good gifts to His children, His chosen ones?

We hold life and death in our tongues - so today I choose to create life, to manifest His kingdom in my life and atmosphere :)