Stop Co Washing Your Hair, It's Not Healthy

i will be cowashing this winter, i wanna stay away from shampoo unless clarifying because it tangles my new growth
Who is applying it to their scalp? And just because it's called cowashing doesn't mean it qualifies as actually washing the hair. I know that all of us have varying wash schedules, but we are all consistently saying to remove product buildup as often as possible.

I understand that not everything works for everyone, but when you speak as if you know it all. I find it a bit strange. Also hair and skin are very different, so that not washing your arse for 30 days logic and likening it to cowashing is a bad example.
This is why I did my own hair research. She has a point in there somewhere, but it gets lost in the rhetoric.

LHCF taught me about cowashing and my hair thrives with it. However, we also talk about the need to clarify to get rid of buildup.

Sorry, but Garnier and Herbal Essences did my hair a whole lotta good! :)
I didn't even want to listen to everything she had to say. Normally I respect everyone's opinion but it's just opinion and should be presented as such. Everyone's hair is different.
My long hair seems to like cowashing. If she can show me the benefits of using shampoo on her classic length hair I might just listen.
I never have liked the way my hair felt from co-washing only. With or without sulfates, don't matter my hair feels coated in a bad way if I don't use shampoo.
LMAO at the song at the end. I respect her view point but my hair seems to be doing well with co-washing.
Who is applying it to their scalp? And just because it's called cowashing doesn't mean it qualifies as actually washing the hair. I know that all of us have varying wash schedules, but we are all consistently saying to remove product buildup as often as possible.

I understand that not everything works for everyone, but when you speak as if you know it all. I find it a bit strange. Also hair and skin are very different, so that not washing your arse for 30 days logic and likening it to cowashing is a bad example.

Right. And if she really wants to make that comparison, (and please tell me if I'm going to far) If I take that wash cloth and wash up a booty with some warm water and clarifying condish, it would smell pretty normal.
There have been different articles posted on conditioners that noted that detergents are present in many conditioners. These can mildly cleanse the hair. But unless every product a person is using is water soluble, build up is going to happen eventually. Thank goodness for products, commercial and homemade, that can get rid of it because all of us would be forever walking around with dirty scalps. Just because you cowash doesn't mean you are now forbidden from clarifying :lol:.

Also all conditioners aren't good for cowashing. Silicone-laden, thick ubber moisturizing conditioners are going to be a no go because they are specifically designed to leave deposits on your hair and would do the same to your scalp. When I cowashed I had the best success with thin, silicon-free conditioners or natural, herb and extract (vs. butter and oil) based conditioners.

I moved on to either water rinsing or shampooing 2 years ago. I have 2 cleansing conditioners and they haven't moved me to return to cowashing :ohwell:. My hair doesn't get dry from shampoo, I have a hard time getting my scalp completely clean, and shampoo helps my hair absorb conditioner and makes my curls clump better, so I'm sticking with the 'poo :yep:.
I just did a co wash using mane and tail conditioner and ors hair mayo. I do them when my hair needs extra conditioning throughout the week. Sometimes you don't need shampoo. I do what feels right to my hair at the time.

I am one of those people that can't co wash that often because my hair is fine. If I co wash too often I lose too much hair. And my hair gets over moisturized.
My 2 y/o really enjoyed the dance at the But yeah I cowash when I feel and shampoo when I feel and my hair has been fine so....
I do a combination of it all,sometimes I co/wash,shampoo or scalp detox..Depends on what my hair/scalp needs at the moment...

*Do what works for you..

Happy Hair Growing!
She just kept saying the same thing with no real information behind it. Couldn't watch the whole thing.

This lady is WACK!
So basically, so basically, so basically, why didn't anyone warn me about this animated thing? I wasn't ready.
I love cowashing. Cowashing and co-cleansing are some of the best things I have incorporated into my hair regimen. Shampoo once a month to refresh and restart.
I think people have misconceptions of co-washing. Remember that YouTube video w/ those 3 girls bashing co-washing.

Their clients jacked their hair up because they don't know how to co-wash.

For me..:I don't co-wash to clean my hair. I co-wash to add moisture and softness to my hair. Ex: Oil Co-wash Thread.

Washing your hair w/ conditioner doesn't automatically make your hair look like Mahogany takes technique and practice and time.

My hair was hard the first time I co-wash but I stalked everyone's fotki and learned how to cowash using the scarf method and pigtails and Wahlah!!!!