Stinking Thinking...

Hi Valleygirl /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I am Iggles, but I don't remember having this exact discussion on this board. But I've been on so many boards, I can't keep em straight, LOL!!

See, I've never understood the growth phase, resting phase, so that is something I have to look up again in one of my cosmotology books.

I'll see what I can find to answer the question. I know if length is based on genetics, then I should be skraight (lol, yes skraight) because all the women on both sides of my family have long hair. However, A lot of them have THICK hair too, and I got fine hair. So I'm taking B-5 to combat this, I'll let you know how it goes towards the end of the month.

But I will look up the info, because I know that they call eyebrow hair something different, so eyebrow hair and arm hair for example are a little different than the hair on our heads. I'm not explaining it right because I don't have the book in front of me. But I'll find the info, and then post it.

But girl, those growth phase, rest phase have always confused me, lol! /images/graemlins/grin.gif