Stimulating Ginger Oil


New Member
I've used ginger oil twice already and left it on about 30 minutes before shampooing. What I really like about it is how warm my scalp feels. It really heats up the scalp as it's massaged in and it feels very good.

If you want to try this, here is the recipe:

Stimulating Ginger Oil
1 tablespoon grated ginger (or 5 drops ginger essential oil)
1 tablespoon sesame or jojoba oil.

This is a great scalp massage oil for stimulating blood circulation and encouraging hair growth.

Just massage into scalp and leave on over night. Shampoo out in the morning.

Here are two reviews (maybe I'll add mine). I love ginger anyway, so I didn't mind the smell. And I know my hair really isn't longer, but my hair feels longer, if that makes any sense. Maybe it's all that stimulation... Ginger Oil&category=Hair Growth Potions

Visitor Reviews of Stimulating Ginger Oil
Review By: Lumi
Well I'll tell you one thing. The smell may be overpowering, you may lose sleep, and wake up with a scent similar to that as a restaraunt grease trap, but the end does indeed justify the means. My hair grew an extra inch in less than a weeks time afterwards* So just try this out, wrap your hir in plastic wrap and let it work* Hooray*

Review By: Lady Amina
I used sesame oil for this recipe. The smell of the oil w/ grated ginger IS rather atrocious. I wouldn't recommend putting it on overnight because ginger is a stimulant, and that keeps you awake. Instead, during a day off, I would keep it on for 4-6 hours and then wash it off. Although I had to shampoo 3 times to get the smell off, when my hair dried, it was so silky! My hair feels a bit longer, too.
Hey thanks Iris I will try this recipe this weekend--That would be a dream come true to grow an inch in a week-
jancan7 said:
Hey thanks Iris I will try this recipe this weekend--That would be a dream come true to grow an inch in a week-
You're welcome. That would be something, to grow an inch/week - 4 inches/month - 48 inches/year! If we could all do that (I believe anything is possible!), we would be just sitting around on our hair at LHCF with not much to discuss.:lol:
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Found this doing a search for Ginger Baths (I will start a separate thread)

Isis are you still using this, I may try this over the weekend. I love ginger!
I tried this last night. I couldn't find fresh ginger so I bought some finely minced bottled ginger. I mixed a tablespoon with some Jojoba oil and massaged my scalp. I didn't feel anything special I don't know if I should have waited to let the ginger infuse into the oil or what:confused:

I will try again with ginger essential oil that I purchased. This will be better I think and less messy:lol: