Still Waiting on BF Purchases?


New Member
Is anyone still waiting on BF purchases from..oh I don't know...companies like HENNA SOOQ and Cream and Coco?
Cream and Coco I can *grits teeth* her things are handmade (though I think small companies like this should make sure that extra hands are available during a BIG sale to speed up the turnover time so that people don't have to wait forever!!)
Henna Sooq, on the other hand, I can't understand. Is she toiling for the powders? Sifting them, even? Expressing the oils herself? One would think she'd have a myriad of batches in various sizes just waiting to be shipped, right? And don't get me started on the Red Raj that is tentatively returning! (ok, mini rant)

I've decided to either expect a waiting time of 2 months to spare myself the burden of anxiously checking my email for shipping notices or just not even bother ordering period.
Is anyone still waiting on BF purchases from..oh I don't know...companies like HENNA SOOQ and Cream and Coco?
Cream and Coco I can *grits teeth* her things are handmade (though I think small companies like this should make sure that extra hands are available during a BIG sale to speed up the turnover time so that people don't have to wait forever!!)
Henna Sooq, on the other hand, I can't understand. Is she toiling for the powders? Sifting them, even? Expressing the oils herself? One would think she'd have a myriad of batches in various sizes just waiting to be shipped, right? And don't get me started on the Red Raj that is tentatively returning! (ok, mini rant)

I've decided to either expect a waiting time of 2 months to spare myself the burden of anxiously checking my email for shipping notices or just not even bother ordering period.

My Henna Sooq order arrived within a week of ordering during the BF SALE. You should email Khadijah, she will give a prompt reply. Very good customer service over there.

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