still searching for staples from one place only


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any recommendations for products that are comparable if not better than Qhemet's Amala and Olive Heavy Cream? (specifically from brands from curlmart)

I bought sample sizes of AOHC and BRBC. The AOHC made the section that i applied it to soft. The BRBC didn't do much for my hair.

The problem is that shipping is $10 with sage and it's also almost $10 with curlmart. I don't want to pay both shipping costs.

Also, what are your thoughts on
- Curl Junkie Curl Rehab
- Darcy's Bontanicals Pumpkin Conditioner
- Jojoba Oil

how do you use them? have they benefited your hair? do you recommend them for someone with dry hair?

:nono: Am I just feeding my product junkieism because i'm trying to find staple products or are these products really worth it
I have dry hair also. For a daily moisturizer and leave-in I like to use S-Curl or Suave coconut conditioner mixed with Aphogee pro-vitamin leave-in. The products that you reference (Amala & Olive Cream) I've never used so I cant really compare them. I like jojoba oil but I've only used it in my DC. I prefer shea butter over jojoba though. For me, DC for a least an hour has Greatly helped with my dry hair and daily moisturizing and sealing.

Hopefully some of the veterans will offer some advice :). Good Luck!
From Curlmart, I really like Oyin's Whipped Pudding and then sealing with a light oil. The WP is water based unlike QB AOHC, but they both work very well on my hair.
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