Still High from Saturday


Well-Known Member
Hello Fam.

Saturday I participated in a service called , "In His Presence!"

I am a praise dancer. I was so hyped the whole week. I could not wait until Saturday night to dance. It was just a whole service of praise dancing. There were over 20 churches there. It was off the hook. Holy Ghost off the hook. I mean I can't even describe it. There were so many praise and worship songs that were danced too. It was just Holy Ghost crazy. Can you imagine a Santuary full of Praise Dancers??!!!!:drunk:

There were dancers of all ages.

I almost had a David experience. Of course my clothes would have stayed on.:lachen:

I was still hyped Sunday. I had to dance Sunday too. I don't know how many of you are familiar with Anthems... However the choir sang "Jesus is the Corner Stone", which is one of my favorites. I was about to change from my dance clothes into my Sunday clothes when I heard the choir singing. I ran from the basement up stairs and stuck my head in the door. Since they were singing no one could go in, and mind you there was an old lady usher at the door, and you know they don't play. I was ready to excuse myself, run in the church down the middle aisle and just start dancing. It would have caught eeryone off gaurd, but oh well.... My fellow praise dancers said, the ushers would have grabbed me, drug me out of the church, and started fanning..:lachen:
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I know that htis is a late response. However, I am gald to be of service. LOL