Still confused about henna & indigo mix


New Member
Okay... I bought the henna and the indigo and now I'm sitting here TOTALLY confused. After research here, it "sounds" like it the whole thing is a trial-and-error experiment - that many different ways work for different people, and you just have to try one? Maybe that's okay because it's all natural. I'm using Karisha herbal henna and 100% natural indigo powder.

I have gray roots and black hair. My hair is all natural. Goal: Blackest hair possible, no red, no grays. I think I will try the following... but please advise if there is a step that is a definite no-no.

1) Mix the henna (using recipe suggested by research) but no need to let it sit out 12+ hours since my goal is strong hair and black hair. How long to sit, not sure... maybe ten minutes... Tips?
2) Apply henna to clean, wet hair. (towel dried)
3) Wait a few minutes... then
4) Rinse out thoroughly. No conditioner.
5) Apply pre-mixed indigo (water and 100% indigo powder) to hair, wrap in plastic and let sit for as long as I want (thinking 4 hours or overnight)
6) Rinse thoroughly. Wash and deep condition. Wash out.

What do you think? Is my hair gonna fall out? :lol:
Step 4 if it was me I will rinse hair out with a cheapie moisturizing conditioner at least 4 times.

Henna is like sand in your hair. It does not come out easy.

With the indigo, you may want to mix it with unflavored gelatin or cornstarch because unlike henna, indigo is runny.

Make sure to use gloves and good luck.
I think you should reconsider the length of time you will leave the henna in- if you would like to receive the conditioning benefits I would leave it on for a few hours at least. Indigo itself doesn't need hours to darken. I usually only leave my indigo in for an hour. You should try adding salt to the indigo paste to speed up the process too.

I'm sure the more experienced henna heads can comment about the rest of it.
I justed posted this in another thread. This is what I do to cover my moms grays and white hairs.

I mix a whole bag of henna powder and a little indigo powder with black tea. Let that mix sit overnight. Then I apply it to my moms hair and leave it in her hair for atleast 5 hours. Rinse with conditioner then I mix indigo powder with water and apply it to her gray and white areas and let it sit uncovered for atleast an hour. Then she rinses and styles as usual.

This turns ALL of my moms grays black and it matches her hair perfectly.
1. You can wash the henna out with a cheapie condish..thats what I do and it helps gett all the henna out

2. You need to leave the henna on for a while. You need to henna color to be on your hair!!! Apprently with Indigo, the brown under the Indiga (blue/green)= BLACK

3.Make sure not to let the Indigo sit in the bowl before you apply it. Add the water (warm/hot) and within 10-15 mins it should be on your hair. The Indigo relaese color ASAP unlike Henna
Once you do it you will realize how easy it is. Thar hardest part to the process is getting ALL the sand out of your hair. I am still trying to master that step
Amazing answers. Thanks. I will def condition and leave the henna on for a few hours. Was going to do this today but it's a whole day adventure so I'll wait until Saturday.
Oh, quick question. How long can the henna be left out before applying? I want to mix it today, Thursday, but use it Saturday.
I forgot where I read, but I remember to do it in 4-6 sections. Then when it is time to get the grit out, to rinse with conditioner and use a detangling comb or Tangle Teezer to gently remove the stated previously that step is tedious...well Henna is tedious period. I can't wait to start Henna-ing.
The Henna will have to stay on longer and the dye will need to be released for the Indigo to have something to attach itself to.

You cannot leave Indigo out like that. It should be mixed with Warm/Hot Water & Salt to get the Darkest Stain and should be allowed to sit only 5-10 minutes before applying.

You can leave it on your hair 4+ hours, but it needs to be used within minutes of mixing it up. I would let it sit 5-10 minutes then apply.

I usually let my Henna sit 8-10-12 hours (Overnight) before applying.
I think you should reconsider the length of time you will leave the henna in- if you would like to receive the conditioning benefits I would leave it on for a few hours at least. Indigo itself doesn't need hours to darken. I usually only leave my indigo in for an hour. You should try adding salt to the indigo paste to speed up the process too.

I'm sure the more experienced henna heads can comment about the rest of it.

It was like the OP was reading my mind. I've been interested in henna, too. I have grays popping up all over the place & am bored with my 2 year old highlights. :look:

My question is about the salt - are we talking regular table salt or is sea salt okay? Just asking because I try to keep the iodized stuff out of the house. TIA...
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use salt with no iodine. Sea salt is preferable. I think the ladies have given you good advice.

I wonder what would make your hair darker?

Karishma , then indigo


Karishma + Alma , then Indigo


Karishma + hibicus tea , then Indigo.

Color wheel people, help!
^^ Karishma + Amla, then Indigo would give the darkest results. Amla helps to keep the red tone down in the henna.

Sorry, I've never used henna before. Are you saying that you would mix Amla in the henna mix that you do before the indigo mix? Do you have a recipe that you would like to share? :look:
Sorry, I've never used henna before. Are you saying that you would mix Amla in the henna mix that you do before the indigo mix? Do you have a recipe that you would like to share? :look:

Exactly, I add the Amla powder to the henna mix. I just eye everything with no specific measurements. Karishma Henna also has Amla as an ingredient, so I don't use that much. My mix is simple, Henna, Amla powder, a little conditioner for consistency (not necessary) and water. When I first started to use henna, I decided not to add too many ingredients just in case my hair did not like the combo. For Indigo, I just add water and a little sea salt for the darkest results.
Yes yes, I know it has Alma, but Karishma makes my hair a dark magenta. I am going to mix it with alma the next time I do a two step color and do a comparison. Thanks ladies.