Sticking to a Regime


Hi Ladies,

I finally decide to join this board and I have to tell you all that you rock! I have learned so much here and I want to say thank you.

With all of this great advice, I am finding it hard to stick to a regime because I want to try everything. My question is how long should one stick to a regime to see if it really works. I think I bail too soon and change too much without giving the regime a chance. I don't understand why this is so hard for me because back in the day all I used was four products: head n' shoulders shampoo (was battling serious dandruff), Wella for deep conditioning, Flex instant conditioner and Sulfur 8. I have to tell ya that my hair was healthy and thriving but I definitely could not go back to that smelly sulfur 8.

Thanks again.

:wave: Hi Kayluv! Welcome girl...I think you should try to stick to a reg for at least a month to see if its working or not. I think after a week or so you'll know if a product is garbage on your hair or not. I know how hard it is, because when I first got here I wanted to try all the yummy products everyone was talking about (I just about did :look:) It's a bit of trial and error on your part. I know what works and what doesn't now, and have different products for different hair occassions. Good luck to you and HHG
Hey girl! I know how you feel. It sometimes gets overwhelming learning something new on this site everyday. I spent the first couple of months of this year buying this and that off the net, Indian stores, and BSS. I finally controlled my PJism, but I haven't quite found or stuck to a regimen either. Just this week, I wrote out a plan for a regimen and I am going to commit to stick to it until I use up the product. Here it is:

On Wednesday's
Ojon Restorative Treatment (overnite)
Deep Condition with cholestrol cap (2hrs) with ORS, LustraSilk, or LeKair
Ojon Hair Thickening Shampoo
Ojon Hair Thickening Conditioner
Silk Worm Moisturizing Creme (detangles sinfully)
Leave-in with Infusium 23 with rose water/Dove spray
Moisturize with ORS Olive Oil

I did this last night and it tamed my newwww growth magnificently.
Cleve_gryl said:
:wave: Hi Kayluv! Welcome girl...I think you should try to stick to a reg for at least a month to see if its working or not. I think after a week or so you'll know if a product is garbage on your hair or not. I know how hard it is, because when I first got here I wanted to try all the yummy products everyone was talking about (I just about did :look:) It's a bit of trial and error on your part. I know what works and what doesn't now, and have different products for different hair occassions. Good luck to you and HHG

I agree a month does seem like reasonable time for a test. Unfortunately I have not been able to stick with mine. I try to keep it as much as I can but sometimes changes in my personal schedule or new products (I'm a major pj) mess up my regimen. I wish you luck on you hair care journey:)