Stick with the old and forget the new


New Member
I am frustrated here because I recently found that my hair loves Elucence shampoo and condtioner but the problem is I always get tempted to try something new and end up paying for it by either shedding more than usual or unecessary breakge SO as of today I give up trying new stuff and will stick with Elucence and nothing else. NO more trying out this shampoo or that condtioner or this leave in.

If you sound like me, stick with what works for you because chances are your hair will not like that new stuff
i feel you on that one miosy, it seems like as a result of my always trying new stuff i'm wasting way too much money. i should just stick with my tried and true kenra. hopefully i'll love elucence as much as you do cause i just ordered it last week
, but after that no more switching. i'd like kenra and elucene to be my only products as far as conditioners and shampoos go.btw kenra conditioner works really nice as a leave in on the ends.
It really is nice to stick with what works best, but coming to this board and reading all the product reviews, it is hella hard to not want to try every "miracle" product out there!!
Plus it gets really boring using the same products over and over and never trying anything new!!
I agree with the ladies,... be like me and use cheap ol products (and ocassional goodies
). if u already know what works for u give me all your other stuff!
Or maybe u can rotate 2 lines of your favorite proucts, so u wont be stuck just using one. Right now I love Pantene R&N shampoo and conditioner. And I also love Deep Brilliance reconstructor, so I just rotate the 2 every week.
At least you KNOW what works, Miosy! Celebrate that. Enjoy that.

Right now I'm enjoying L'Anza Strait Line shampoo and conditioner. I'm curious about the Kenra, Elucence, and Salerm conditioners. I restocked on MSM this month, so the hair money is gone.
I definitely have some products right now that I want to stick with but as things change with my transitioning, my hair seems to need different things and then I find myself switching. I am pretty much set on shampoo and conditioner and a leave-in though!
I totally feel on this Miosy. The other day I picked up some Affirm Positive Link Conditioner cause I saw it at a very discounted price. Now mind you, I sure didn't "need" a new conditioner. I've already found what works for me and I've been sticking to those two for over a month now. Well tonight I tried the positive link and that mess matted my hair, I couldn't even get a wide tooth comb through it. I had to get back in the shower with my tried and true kenra. I doubt I'll be using it again and will probably post it on the swap board. That's it for me trying anything else new. I already know what my hair likes.
Hey, I'm always going back to Elucence too
Even though I'm deeply in love with Deep Brilliance--I still count Elucence as a staple and it's a regular part of my rotation.
I'm glad I'm not the only one trying everything out there but sometimes I think we do more damage than good.

Everytime I empty my closet I fill it back up, I think I'm going to start giving all my stuff away soon. I have to make a list eventually.
Me either. I said I would a HOT MONTH ago
but my hair does get bored.

My pockets CERTAINLY wish that I'd stop
but you know what the other problem is? It's the RARE product that isn't REALLY good for me. I'm really good at picking products for my hair so they work well and then I'm stuck trying to decide which of the best is the bestest best.

Pathological we all are...'cept Miosy!

I wish I was as lucky as you Tracy with picking products. I've spent way too much money. Between Sept through Dec. of last year I know I spent over 300 bucks trying different things and I am trying to fight the urge of buying a hair steamer
I hear you girl. On some people it makes sense to just stick with what you KNOW works.

Look at Adrienne...she does NOT branch out.
But she's got the BOMB hair. So sticking to what works is just as good a plan. And you will DEFINITELY own a home before me. I PROMISE you.
I feel you on this, Miosy. I discovered a while back that Elucence is my tried-and-true. I think a number of us have discovered the wisdom of your statement (stick with the old) during the course of our PJism -er, um, long hair care journey, I mean.
Armyqt said:
That's it for me trying anything else new.

[/ QUOTE ]

why am I having a hard time believing that statement, ArmyQT?? (I hope you had your fingers crossed while you were typing that!!!)
Lindy said:
Armyqt said:
That's it for me trying anything else new.

[/ QUOTE ]

why am I having a hard time believing that statement, ArmyQT?? (I hope you had your fingers crossed while you were typing that!!!)

[/ QUOTE ]

its official: I am allergic to ALL sulfates, even the Myreth one in Kenra. yesterday i gave in to the PJ temptation and bought pantene r&n conditoner
I just ordered Aubrey Island Naturals Line (sulfate free) to make my head feel better
sorry Miosy, i had to give in to the PJ in me.
yea i always itch when i use any shampoo with that stuff in them. i thought all this time that it was normal for them to do that
maybe my hair and scalp are just prissy.